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the sound of a forge being used could be heard.

a cavalry saber could be seen being sharpend.

its seen to be put up to a face to be examined ,as this is happening  a face is visible ,with the brown hair and red streaks in it, its obvious who this is.

"perfect" was all that issei said about his latest addition to his ever growing arsenal of swords.

"you said that about the last eighty six you made partner" said the dragon, ddriag or the welsh dragon emperor, which was ironic since issei's mother was half welsh.

"yes but this is my best so far" he said as he sheathed it then placing it on the table next to him.

as issei was seen leaving his forge, the red in his hair disapeered. he frowned slightly he liked the red it just needed to disapeer for him to go to school. 

a small child could be seen walking up to him and gave him a hug. after this interaction with, fowler his teams mascot he leaves the house and meets up with malcom, his left eye hidden under a medical eyepatch while his slightly rusted gogles rested on his foorhead.

"you ready to head to school issei?" malcom asked with his scottish accent.

"ready as ill ever be" he said as they set of to kuoh academy. 


 yes this is short but i just wanted to see how you guys feel about my new writing style.

so see yah!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2019 ⏰

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Malcom of dxd(under heavy rewrite, expect new first chapter within the month)Where stories live. Discover now