Chapter 4 ~ Night Out

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It had been a week since Miles and Alex went to the restaurant that night; they didn't see much of each other after that. That fact grew on Miles like a disease; it hung over him and caused him to have terrible mood swings. One second, he was happy about the situation ever happening then the next, he was in doubting everything and calling himself foolish. How Alex behaved that night was unusual and Miles wasn't sure what signals Alex was sending. His excuse was always Alex's drinking.

Whilst Miles wasn't out and Alex wasn't in his room minding his own business, their paths crossed in the living room. Miles planned on watching Coronation Street, when he walked in and found Alex sat on the couch already, smoking.

"A'ight, mate?" Alex smiled faintly.

"Yeah, you watchin' anything?" Miles sat down at the edge of the couch, making himself feel extremely awkward.

"Nah, just 'avin' a bit of thinkin', tha knows." Alex mumbled, with the cigarette between his lips. While he drew in a breath, he exhaled with a question on his mind; "y'know, we 'aven't seen the gang for a while. Fancy meetin' up with them on Saturday? Could go the pub for a bit or even hit the town?" He crossed his feet, kicking his boots on the glass table. Miles rolled his eyes, recalling his first rule that he stated to Alex when he moved in.

"Shoes off, mate. An' yeah, sounds good, I'm up for it." Miles was indeed keen as he knew it meant he'd eventually end up looking after Alex once he was well blitzed. He also knew how the situation would often end up if Alex was indeed drunk and it would be moments like those that would cause his heart to race a mile a minute. He was definitely up for it.

Alex grunted a response while taking off his boots. "I don't see what the problem is with 'aving boots on, tha knows."

"It just is, okay, mate?" Miles rolled his eyes again, with a smile.

"Whatever, dick 'ead." Alex responded, standing up. On a sudden impulse, Miles swiftly stood up and pulled Alex into a head lock as if he was trying to pull his head off. Alex protested, spinning around, banging his shin on the table while doing so. Cursing, he lost his balance - unable to hold the weight of the laughing Miles. The two toppled down onto the leather couch, in hysterics. Miles fell first onto his knees, closely followed by the unstable Alex.

"You absolute arse!" Alex breathed, tumbling onto Miles' lap. Miles still had ahold of Alex's head, this time his hands placed firmly on top of his greased hair. Still chuckling, he unwrapped his arms.

"Ew, I got your hair gel all over my hands!" He protested, holding up his hands in disgust. It was Alex's time to do an eye roll. Miles wiped his grease coated fingers onto Alex's warm cheeks, playfully.

"You wanker," Alex huffed, turning around to frown at Miles; "that's not how you do it!" Alex grabbed Miles' arms and directed them to his own hair. Without breaking eye contact, He guided Miles' fingers through Alex's hair, setting the gel back in place. "That's how you do it," he whispered, a smirk creeping up on his lips.

Miles prayed his blush wasn't noticeable.

His eyes were still locked with Alex's, he couldn't look away; his dark eyes full of mischief, glazing over in the dimly lit room, with just a few strands of hair falling ever so slightly above his brow. His hands still laid buried deep in the back of Alex's head.

"You a'ight, mate?" Alex's chuckled, slightly. Miles had to make a distraction, anything that he could say to pass the awkward moment?

His hands shot back, and in a blind panic he muttered; "that's the closest I'll ever get to being Alex Turner's comb." He prayed this would ease the situation. Alex, still looking at Miles with his face slightly lower, laughed uncontrollable. Miles drew out a sharp breath.

"Right, I'm gonna go call the lads." Alex finally broke the prolonged eye contact and stood up again. Miles hunched back into the sofa, burying himself into the cushions to prevent himself from attempting another rugby tackle on the little man. After a few moments of Miles being surrounded with silence, he reached for the television remote.


Saturday had finally arrived, meaning only one thing; it was time for a night out with Alex and the band. They didn't hesitate to take up the offer and Miles seemed to be a lot more cheerful through out the day before hand.

"Alex, darling, what suit colour should I wear?" Miles called, comically.

"I don't know dear, what ever you fancy." Alex called back, mimicking an old feminine voice. Miles chuckled, enjoying the old married couple vibe. After a few minutes, he decided on a blue suit with a white shirt.

He presented himself in front of Alex, who was already wearing his favourite leather jacket, black jeans, retro sunglasses and black boots. His hair was freshly jelled back and the scent of cologne drifted in the air.

"Lookin' good, Mi." Alex grinned, showing his teeth. "Let's set off, eh?" Miles followed Alex out of the front door. "An' let's not take a car. Think I might be getting plently tonight, tha knows." He murmured into Miles' ear. The taller boy replied with a small nod, thinking about the other consequences of Alex getting drunk; he prayed there won't be any models out tonight.

After a few hours, the five guys were still in their first club of the night. It was around 12 o'clock when Miles finally drifted off from the lads to have some fun of his own. He was sick of the guys ignoring him and he couldn't help but feel left out; the gang talked about stuff Miles didn't know about and recalled funny stories they shared together along with various ex-girlfriends. Alex barely paid any attention to him and he seemed to be a lot happier around Nick, Jamie and Matt. Miles was left there to drink and smoke to himself, lost in his bitter thoughts.

So, Miles was stood at a bar, requesting another drink. A girl stood next to him; he gave her a quick glance and admired what he saw; a tall, slim blonde haired girl in a cheetah-print coat, black dress and heeled boots. After looking back at a bar, he heard her speak.

"Hi," Miles turned to see her staring up at him, luring him in.

"Hey," Miles responded, with a small smile. The girl was very attractive, to say the least.

"My name's Louise, and yours?" Her crimson painted lips curled up at the corners with every word that poured out of her intriguing mouth.

"I'm Miles, can I get you a drink?" He offered.

"Sure, I'll have whatever you're having." She left a scent of rich perfume that would wrap itself around Miles' neck, attempting to pull him closer and closer to this girl. Miles ordered Louise a mojito, and just as it arrived and Louise wrapped her fingers around the glass, Miles felt a sudden pair of hands wrap around his waist followed by a nose nuzzling into the back of his neck.

"Sorry, doll face, he's mine." Miles recognised the voice and the smell of alcohol on its breath. He spun around to face Alex. At this point, Louise had taken her drink and began to walk off, obviously frustrated and disappointed.

"What the fuck, mate?!" Miles exploded, his feelings swooping around in his stomach. "That girl was totally after me!" Alex simply stood there, smiling at Miles.

"Listen, mate. I'm not coming home tonight to hear you banging some cheap model in the next room. You're not bringing home a girl, and neither am I, you got it?" Alex was still only tipsy at this point, so Miles knew he could rely on what still flooded from his beautiful mouth. He could tell this, as the drink that Alex held was till firmly in his grasp, without any of it spilling on the floor yet.

"Well, I wouldn't have gone off if you'd pay some fuckin' attention to me, mate." Miles furrowed his brow, still livid with anger.

"Sorry, mate." Alex looked genuinely guilty, which was rare. He pulled his arm over Miles' shoulder. "Listen, come back over and I swear I won't leave yer side for the rest of the nite, a'ight?"

Miles couldn't help but agree, with a smile escaping. "Thanks, Al." He was begging to feel better already. His anger had completely vanished from his system, although he had a horrible feeling that it would be for long.

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