Chapter 11

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"You two are going to fight each other," Bora-ra declared.

Petir and Tanah stared at each other grimly, both of their expressions stone cold. The sweat on their faces betrayed their brave facades.

Bora-ra was dead serious. They had no idea what their motive was, but they knew if they didn't oblige, something worse would occur. Despite this, they still had that little bit of fight left in them.

"Why?" Tanah demanded. "If you think you're going to make me fight my sister, you're sorely mistaken. What's your game, Bora-ra?"

In lightning speed, the alien lunged at the lightning manipulator and held her up by the throat, which was ironic, since Petir saw this coming. In spite of this, she didn't resist. She would rather let her take the pain rather than let Tanah be hurt for her sake.

He was crushing her wind pipe. She didn't struggle, but her fists were clenched. She couldn't die just yet. Not until Tanah was out of here. Her eyes flared blood red—

Bora-ra flung her against the wall, snapping her out of her building rage.

"Petir!" Tanah rushed to her side. Bora-ra didn't stop him.

Petir pushed his hands away, signalling that she was fine. Her neck was already starting to bruise.

The red-skinned criminal loomed over them. "If you don't fight," he threatened, brandishing his axe, "I will kill the both of you slowly."

Tanah and Petir's hearts sank.

* * *

Ever since the airplane fiasco, Air and Angin hung out more often. Mostly to hone their skills and their synchronization, but their friendship had strengthened nonetheless. Having a positive point of view was different from Api's pessimistic perspective.

"How did you get your powers?" Angin breathed, wiping sweat off his brow. No matter how cold Ais's powers may be, the physical training had taken a toll off his body. If it wasn't for his and Api's previous workouts, he might not have made it halfway through.

Air's eyes were on the birds in the nest. "Hm? Did you say anything?"

Angin pouted. "Aw, I feel so neglected." He plopped himself next to Air, sitting on the grass. "I asked how'd you discovered your abilities."

She looked at him. "I got mine by saving someone from drowning." Her eyes fell on her boots. "What about you?"

Angin's smile turned melancholy. Stretching, he laid back onto the flora, arms crossed to provide comfort for his head.

"I accidentally pushed Daun off a high tree. Like the ones in jungles." His eyes closed, as if reliving the moment. "It's been years, but I can't forget. I still see her scared face. She knew that she was going to die. She forgot because of her young age, but I..."

He paused and bit his lip. A sour feeling struck his nose, and he knew he was going to break down again. Not now. Not in front of someone close to his sister. He couldn't afford to let Daun worry over him. He didn't deserve it.

Air's lips parted, but she closed it instantly. She knew what pain felt like. She'd seen Api return beaten up and bruised. But causing your loved one pain by your own hand unintentionally? She couldn't imagine.

As much as she was desperate to help, she was reluctant to intrude in his personal life.

If he needed help, she'll be right here.

* * *

Gempa dodged another electrical sword. The lightning's hum buzzed by his left momentarily before returning to the back. Raising a barrier, the sword was deeply embedded into the rock, its lightning bouncing off harmlessly.

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