When a group is formed, and they bond over memes
It's a chatroom pretty much
-Maybe ships?
-Probably a lot of swearing
-Stuff that's supposed to be funny but probably won't be
l-o-u-d-a-s-s: i'll go then l-o-u-d-a-s-s: anyway... i'm lee jaehyun and i'm also a '97 liner
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genie-us: you're hair looks so fluffy uwu genie-us: i'm choi chanhee and i'm a '98 liner
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oldhoon: a cute
moonoow: you look quite short
genie-us: i'm not short 😤
seelangyeon: y'all be nice for one second seelangyeon: DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT CALLING ME DADDY BITCH
screech: hi i'm ji changmin and a '98 liner
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xX_bEyOnCé_Xx: oh god he's adorable
joellee: ^^
xX_bEyOnCé_Xx: anyway, i'm kevin moon, also a '98 liner
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strawberry: i don't know if you're hot or cute
xX_bEyOnCé_Xx: both 😏
angel: oldhoon is the only one left
oldhoon: oh yeah oldhoon: i'll go oldhoon: i'm kim younghoon, a '97 liner
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oldhoon: i look dead inside rip
angel: you're hair looks so cute angel: the headband looks really good
wonderhwall: wow we're all hot
seelangyeon: yeah he's the gay one
genie-us: see someone agrees!
moonoow: you're still an idiot
genie-us: 😑
l-o-u-d-a-s-s: are you making fun of him cause he's asian
joellee: that's really rude chanhee
oldhoon: how could you do this we're all supposed to be friends
strawberry: yeah chanhee show some respect
genie-us: i-
angel: guys stop bullying him
xX_bEyOnCé_Xx: we should see the order of age cause there's many repeat years
#giveericmorelines: par sangyeon
seelangyeon: i did not come here for this SLANDER
wonderhwall: technically none of us came here on our own wills but you're the only one who's tried to escape
angel: he has a point ^
seelangyeon: i'm done good bye
strawberry: rip sangyeon
oldhoon: he'll be back eventually
angel: i don't think he has a choice cause we're just gonna continue to spam his phone
xX_bEyOnCé_Xx: unless he put the chat on do not disturb xX_bEyOnCé_Xx: then he could technically get away with never answering (a/n so not speaking from personal experience)
wonderhwall: yeah
#giveericmorelines: not to be a party pooper but i have to go to school so bye