Chapter Five

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It had been a month since she had taken the nail file-one full month. It was supposed to be a couple of days when she first got the tool, but it had been weeks. The reason this had been taking so long is because Abigail always had her in the lab or outside doing sports or military training. She hadn't seen Uma for weeks and she was concerned, she missed her so much and not seeing her was affecting her in the worst way possible.
Abigail was currently outside watching Tilly going through her 6th day of military training in a row, and she was exhausted. Today was pull ups and running 1500 meters for the 3rd time in a row. Matilda was tired, she was sore but she wouldn't give in to what this evil woman wanted, so she bit her tongue, knowing that if she bit back, she's lost.
Even though she was going through the works and living through a hell, she was enjoying in the fact that her tool was sat in her room, under her pillow, just waiting to be used. And tonight, no matter how tired she's going to be, she WILL be escaping tonight.

"OK! That's enough! Girl, go to the showers and bed. Your food will be on your desk at 6pm."

Matilda walked into the place and went to her shower, stripped off her training gear and jumped in. Her plan has to work and it has to work tonight, because-even though she wasn't fazed by the torture of the electricity, the pain of the military training and the boredom of the sports-she hated this place since Uma disappeared. As she thought about Uma, she washed the dirt from her hair and body; cleaned every part of her and then jumped out, wrapping a towel around her body and gathered her clothes in her arms; walking towards her room.
Opening the door, she changed into pyjama shorts; hoodie and slipper boots, before grabbing her tool and started to sharpen it against the hard floor, hoping and praying it wouldn't snap. As she continued to scrap and sharpen, her door opened quickly, making her panic and look up.

It was Uma!

"Ok, you. Get up and change into something warm. Me and you are escaping this place. Listen, they have been lying to you, and kept us apart because I found out the truth about everything! I know this will be hard but you need to just pack for the winter. I'll be waiting outside near the front door. Meet me there as soon as you can!"

Tilly jumped into her arms and nodded quickly, releasing the woman and grabbing her bag pack, stuffing jeans, shirts and jumpers into it. She changed into her black jeans; hiking boots; long sleeved top and her winter jacket. She was leaving.
Just as she turned towards the door, Tilly turned and looked at her now deadly weapon and grabbed it in one swift movement, stuffing it into her pocket and walked towards the door-peeking out of it to make sure that nobody was about-and luckily there wasn't.
As she turned the corner towards the front door, she saw the security man from the downstairs door walking towards her; and she hid behind the corner, weapon in her hand. Suddenly, somebody grabbed her from behind, causing her to kick backwards and stab the person in stomach. Turning, she saw it was one of the men who took her to the lab on her first day, and when he realised what had happened to him, he looked at this 16 year old as she stared at him, before covering his mouth and stabbed him in the throat.
Looking down at the dying man, she was taken back to the day her brother died, but she started to remember other things; small things like how he would hurt her sometimes, and stuff like how the man that killed him wasn't as tall as she remembered. Shaking her head, she turned the corner and ran straight into the security guard, who noticed the dead body straight away-and he reached for the alarm on the wall. In a second, Matilda had tackled him onto the floor and stood on his chest to hold him down, before cutting his chest and then continuing to stab around 15 times.
Matilda looked at the two men that laid on the floor, blood leaking from the bodies. Realising she couldn't leave them there for the whole place to see, so she managed to shove them into a near by closet and shut the door, before quickly running down the hall and to the front door...where she saw Uma on her knees, all bloodied and bruised.

"Miss Flawner, I'm very disappointed in you-we have fed and watered you for almost two months and this is how you repay us! Well, this is what happens when you disobey!"

Abigail nodded towards the men holding Uma down-and cut her throat. Shock on her face, Uma looked towards you and smiled, slightly. She shook her head and then collapsed onto the floor, dead.
Now, Matilda was full of rage. She raced towards the three people, one thing on her mind. The first man swung towards her with what looked like a machete, and when this happened she slid down on her knees under the blade, twisting and cutting the back of the mans heels as she did so, causing him to scream and drop his blade-which Tilly quickly picked up and plunged into his chest, making eye contact with Abigail. The second man walked towards her, he had two billy-bats in his hands and started swinging at her. He managed to hit her in the face and stomach, causing her to fall to the floor-but just before he managed to cause anymore damage, she used her big ass knife and stuck it in his thigh, twisting it and kicking him in the crotch.
He fell to the ground, clutching his leg, looking at the young woman,

"Don't take out, I'll die..."

She smiled, and pulled the knife swiftly out the mans leg, causing him to bleed profusely. Then, it was this bitches turn. Matilda raced towards her as Abigail turned to run-but didn't get far as she was thrown to the ground and straddled by this girl.

"We...looked after...YOU! You must not harm us, we trained you in all those skills. YOU WON'T KILL ME!"

Matilda leaned down, and placed a kiss on the woman's forehead, before slicing her arms and legs. She smirked, and looked back at the woman who cried under her. Tilly shrugged her shoulders and almost decapitated the evil bitch who laid there-and sighed as she rolled off her and onto her back, catching her breath. When she finally managed to do this, she stood up and looked at all the chaos she had caused, and nearly passed out.
She remembered everything.

And she will get her revenge.

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