Chapter Nine

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Matilda woke up in her own bed; no longer restrained but she felt more trapped then ever. Her leg hurt like nobody's business, and she couldn't move. She looked around at what her life used to be; and all the things that have happened to her over the past weeks and months, and it hit her all at the same time. And she broke down crying. The tears were fat, salty tears-and they were the tears of somebody who never cried-and wet her face more than any shower would. Her farther must have heard her because he dashed in, and held her in his arms and rocked her, trying to soothe her.

"There, there baby girl. It's all gonna be oka-"

Tilly pushed him off her so her that he landed on the floor with a loud thud-causing him to grunt in pain and she flipped him off and turned her head away from him. This didn't faze Harry, though, as he knew she would be feeling animosity towards him, and that was completely understandable. Instead of acting the way he used to, he sighed and shook his head-a smirk playing on his mouth. As he stalked towards Tilly, she began to plan how she was going to escape-but it would take sometime due to her leg being fucked up in so many ways. When Harry got close enough, he stroked her hair again and placed a kiss on her forehead before turning and leaving the room, locking the door behind him.
He left his daughter on her own, pondering on how she was going to get vengeance for her family.


After the door had shut and locked behind him, Harry sighed and walked towards the kitchen and started to prepare dinner for them when the door went off, making him freeze. Before he went to the door; Harry took a knife and slid it up his sleeve before opening the door to the police.

"Hello, Mr Flawner. We have some enquiries about the location of you daughter, Matilda. Have you seen her in the last two days?"

"Oh, no. The last time I saw or heard anything from my daughter is when your people took her away to the facility. Last I heard she was progressing very well. Why, what's going on?"

"Sir, your daughter seems to have murdered everybody at the facility and stolen a car as a means of escape. Are you sure she hasn't tried to make contact with you?"

Harry shook his head, the knife itching to be plunged into the coppers necks.

"Nope, she hasn't been in touch. She's mute, and since we live here doesn't really know like, how to use technology because she's really into the rustic lifestyle. Sorry I couldn't be much help."

"One more thing sir, some of our files were taken out of the precinct and haven't been returned. The files seemed to be on your family tragedy's-with the information about your daughter out there in the world, we want you to know we will keep searching for these files. If you hear anything, this is our number, call us if she contacts you somehow."

Harry nodded a thank you to them and closed the door, sliding the knife from his sleeve and sighing. Watching the coppers drive away, he let out a frustrated growl and squeezed the knife by the blade until his hand started to bleed, making him notice what he was doing, then began to run his hand under the cold water.
After he had cleaned himself up, he began making Matilda's favourite meal of all time of a chicken dinner. As he cooked, he could hear Tilly trying to stand and walk around-trying to get her leg working-but she couldn't quite do it, which made him chuckle. He had his daughter once again, and there was no way he was letting her go again. As he continued cooking and listening to his daughter struggle, it brought back the memory of his wife. The way she would struggle against him as he showed how much stronger than her he was-and he loved it. When she died, he didn't care at all-he acted like it-but when he saw his wife lying there, he didn't bat an eyelid. What saddened him, was his daughter seeing her dead on the floor and having to lie to her....

*8 Years Ago*

"Will you stop hurting our daughter! She lost her brother two years ago and now you're still doing these evil things to her! She's 8, she's getting old enough to realise what's happening. STOP HURTING-"

A sharp slap stung the side of her face; and she fell to the ground with her demon husband hovering over than her. His stance was reminiscent of a snake; stalking his pray. Suddenly, he grabbed her by the hair and pushed her into their private bathroom, and pushed her into the bath before punching her and knocking her out cold. He began to think she could take his treasure away from him forever, and he couldn't have that-so, whilst she was unconscious-he started to run the bath, simply running the bath whilst she lay there.

When the water reached a relevant height, he turned of the water and went into their medicine cabinet, pulling out one of his spare blades, his eyes shifting between this and his wife, who was starting to wake up. Quickly, he shot his hand out and covered her mouth, causing her eyes to shoot open, staring into his soul. Her eyes searched his, looking for a piece of the man she married, and saw none; but what she did see was the blade in his other hand, which caused her to start breathing heavy and try to get out the bath, with no avail.

"No! You are going to take the only girl I'll ever love away from me, and I can't let you do that. So, I'm gonna send you away. This is...this is a mercy for you; so you won't have to see me leave you for somebody better."

His wife shook her head before biting down on his hand, causing him to curse and grab her arm and slice up-making her scream. He continued this until her life was dripping onto the floor. As she laid in the bath, Harry looked down at his hands, shaking. He then looked back at the woman he promised to love and keep safe forever, no emotion. But, she raised her hand and placed it on his face, even though he had just killed her, she smiled.

"I will love you until the moment I die. Hey, Harry...sing me our song..."

*Present day*

A loud smash brought Harry back to reality, and he looked around. What had smashed was a glass bottle and who smashed it? Matilda. She stared at her dad, before taking the glass and smashing it against the side of his head, knocking him out cold.
When she saw her dad on the floor; she felt no sympathy. Her leg was on fire, but she fought through the pain and picked her dad up, tying him to a kitchen chair and sitting on one directly opposite to him, and waited. She wasn't waiting long, because after about fifteen minutes, he woke up, and was confused as to why he was tied up.

"Matilda, baby, what's going on? Why are you doing this?!"

Matilda met her dads gaze, and smirked, and opened her mouth.


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