Chapter 6

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**(e/n) = ex-boyfriend's name


"You seem happy tonight, (y/n). Anything happened today?"

The scooped dinner stops halfway before reaching the female's mouth, left hanging as she looks forward where Sabo is waiting for the answer. His fingers twirl around his utensil, with a smirk etching on his face, finding it amusing with his sister's current expression. And on top of that, what makes it funnier is when he notices from the corner of his eyes that Luffy is sneakily putting his green pepper to (y/n)'s plate.

Rare scene: Luffy giving someone's his food instead of stealing them.

"Uhhh no... I'm just like other days...right?" now she starts to doubt her answer.

"Hmmm you sure?" he gives her side eyes. "You have been smiling non-stop since just now. And even humming continuously while helping me preparing for the dinner tonight," Sabo says while taking a slice of pizza.

(y/n) watches the action, as she scans the amount of food left on the table. Tonight, they are having a baked macaroni cheese, two large pizzas with one seafood topping and the other one is pepperoni. Luffy has been requested to eat pizza for a while now, but knowing (y/n), she didn't like to eat them unless they baked themselves. That's why Sabo prepares them tonight.

"Ahhh Luffy... You are not eating your vegies again...." (y/n) whines. "How many time do I need to tell you to eat them."

"But (y/n), I hate green pepper. I ate tomato though, see?" Luffy proves his word by chewing the diced tomatoes on his pizza. (y/n) keeps her glare before sighs, and decides to give up from forcing him to eat green pepper tonight. Instead, she eats the said vegies that have been placed on her plate.

"Oh by the way, (y/n) made new friends today. They are male surgeons from New World Hospital," Luffy talks with his mouth full of chewed food.

Now, one will think that it is just a normal conversation. Their sister is making new friends, and they are males, from New World Hospital and nothing else. But, the truth is, it's more like a sign sends by Luffy to inform his oldest brother that their sister is making friends with someone that could hurt her somehow... Like how her ex boyfriend acted.

(Y/n) knows what is coming, so before Sabo can say anything, she cuts in, "we're just friends, if that's what you think. You don't have to go and search about them just to ease your feelings." Munching on the leftover food on her plate, she stares in bored sending a warning message to Sabo, 'don't you dare make me look weird to my new friends', that's why she says, figuratively.

Sabo shrugs, sensing no harm with his lovely sister to make new friends, though they are males. Who is he to stop her from making friends? Heck, if she wants to befriend with the whole world, it shouldn't be his problem at all right?

Now Sabo is doubting his decision.

"It's fine. I won't do anything. Luffy will keep his eyes anyways," nonchalantly speaking like it means nothing, he continues finishing his dinner. (Y/n) is lucky though, because Ace is out partying with his colleagues, Thatch, Marco and Izo and not at home right now. Otherwise, he'll be interrogating the lady like she is one of the criminals he ever caught.

Upon hearing it, no doubt (y/n) left a growling noise and shifts her gaze to the other male in the room. Luffy knows the stares mean trouble, so he tries his best to avoid it by stuffing his mouth more with food and pretending like he's busy eating and not listening at anything just now.

(Y/n) knows very well her brothers are protective over her. Especially since the incident of she's getting left by her loved one. It was all reflected through the incident of this evening, when she and Luffy was waiting for Sabo to pick them up after class finishing, along with Zoro waiting on his superbike nearby, when suddenly Law and his friends made their way to their direction.

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