Chapter 1

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Hey guys, so here it is a long last, Chapter 1!  I hope you all like this.  If you aren't included in this chapter just wait.  I'm hoping to have everyone who signed up in by the third chapter!  ^_^



I sighed as I leaned up against my locker, waiting for Mason to get his books from his locker.  I couldn't help the yawn that pressed past my lips.

"No sleep again?" he quizzed accusingly "Liam eventually you are going to have to tell me what's going on."  I could see the sincerity in his eyes, I knew he wasn't trying to be mean.  He just wanted to help.

"I'm fine man" I groaned "I've just been stressed out by all the school work lately."  Mason gave me a blunt disapproving look.

"Really Liam?  I have 3 of the 5 classes that you do and none of them gave homework, so unless you're other two classes give you a crap load of homework, than I doubt that's the case" Mason sighed tiredly, deciding to give it up for today "Look, let's just go grab you a coffee from the cafeteria."  I smiled appreciatingly at him.

"Thanks man" I offered.

"Yeah, yeah.  What are friends for"  He shrugged.  Liam brushed past me and I turned to follow him, running right into someone.  The girl stumbled back, her books falling from her skinny arms.  Instinctively, my hands shot out, catching two of the four books.  I looked up to see her gaping at me slightly as I held them out to her.

"Uh... thanks" she mumbled, with a slight nervous stutter.

"No problem" I smiled, as she took them and I scooped up the other two, setting them ontop of the stack in her arms "that's a good read you know."  I pointed to the book on top of her stack that read The Hobbit.

"Though I might suggest that I like the Lord of the Rings series better" I added with a shrug.  I had to hold back a grin as she looked at a loss for words.  I remembered being as shy as her when I was back in middle school.

"My name is Liam by the way" I offered with a warm friendly smile.  That seemed to break the barrier of nerves for her.

"Oh,  uh, hi, my name is Dajah" she offered, jumbling her books in to one are, extending her arm to me for a handshake.  I gladly took it.

"I'm really sorry about running into you" she appologized quickly "I was so busy trying to find room 1411 that I wasn't watching where I was going."

"It's fine" I assured her "trust me, I know what it's like to be new to school.  I can help you find your class if you'd like"  She looked over my shoulder, seeming to just notice Mason as he spoke up.

"Dude,  what about coffee.  You know what happens when I don't have my coffee in the morning" he warned.  I felt myself grinning as I turned back to Dajah.

"You want some coffee?" I offered, motion down the hall as we began to walk.

"Of course I'd like some coffee" she smiled happily, and I was slightly happy that I was the cause for such a beautiful smile.


"I swear Scott, I'm just running a little late" I sighed into the phone as I stuffed a piece of toast in my mouth.  I snatched my back pack off the couch only to have the contents fly out of the opened zipper. Groaning, I leaned down to clean it all up.

"A little Stiles?  When have you ever been just a little bit late?" Scott pointed out and I could just imagine the big smirk forming on his face.

"Okay, so I may have just woken up 5 minutes ago, but I swear I will be there on time today" I insisted as I finally replaced everything on my bag and zipped it up.  I swung my bag onto my shoulder, peeking at the clock that read 7:10 AM.

"Dude, 5 minutes ago?  School starts in ten and your house is like fifteen away" he sputtered.

"That's only if you follow the speed limit" I pointed out in a smug voice.

"You are such an idiot" Scott sighed.

"Well seeing as how you're friends with me... that kind of puts you in the idiot catagory as well" I pointed out, smirk plastered on my face.

"What every Stiles" he groaned, his typical response when he doesn't have a come back.  Haha, one more point for Stiles!  I began making my way down the hall toward the front door.

"Look, just stall the teacher for me and I swear to god I will be there before you....." my voice died off as I swung the front door open to see a familiar face.  Holy shit.

"Scott, I'm gonna have to call you back" I whispered hanging my phone up slowly.

"Gadier!" I chanted, basically leaping into his arms "god I haven't seen you in what, five freaking years?"

"Six actually" he corrected with a grin.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked curiously, gesturing for him to come in, the fact that I was late for school completely leaving my mind.

"Well Cuz, I was in town and I thought I might pay you a visit" he shrugged as he flopped down onto the couch.

"In the neighborhood?  Really Gadier?  You moved all the way to Florida, there is no way you were just, in the neighborhood."  He pursed his lips seeming to hold back a smile.

"You're right" he shrugged "you know better than anyone that I didn't want to move to Florida, so I got a job when I turned 17 and have been saving up since then for enough money to move back, and here I am.  I was just wondering if I could stay with you guys until I find an appartment in my price range."

"You're lucky that you're like a second son to my dad.  He wouldn't let just anyone stay with us" I grinned, perching on the arm of the couch.

"Well I don't plan on being a free loader around here.  I have quite a bit of money saved up and I plan on getting a job.  I plan to pay your dad rent or something while I stay here."  I felt a frown pulling at my lips as my shoulders sank.  Gadier seemed to notice imediatly, just like he used to when we were kids.

"What's wrong?" he asked "if you don't want me to stay here, just say the words and I'll find some other place to stay."

"No it's not that" I assured him before sighing "it's just that..... I had a bit of trouble this year..... let's just say it led to some pretty extensive bills."  Gadier frown before he walked over to me and draped an arm over my shoulder.

"Hey, trust me Stiles, you dad has been through worse" he comforted me "it's gonna be okay.  Trust me."

"Thanks Gadier, it's nice to here someone say that to me for once" I smiled softly and he smiled back.

"Now don't you have school or something?" he quizzed and I looked up to see the clock read 7:15 AM. 

"Shit" I muttered "I gotta go, see ya when I get back" I yelled, as I sped out the door and off to school.  


Hey guys, so here is the first chapter of Fan Filled Beacon Hills.  Hope you all enjoyed and I hope to get all of you in here very soon!  Thanks for reading.  ^_^

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2014 ⏰

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