[;] 7:

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A/n: Child abuse warning! If you can read and listen to music at the same time, I recommend listening to the above song whilst reading. I'm actually in love with the song :) [Lewis Capaldi - Someone You Loved] Enjoy: 

"Don't fucking get smart with me you bitch!" my dad yelled as he started walking toward me.

Leah's POV:

My heart started to pound against my chest. I knew what was going to happen, he's done it before. Every step he took forward, I took one back. I couldn't understand how I'd agitated him so much. With every inch he advanced the angrier he looked. My back hit something very solid. I recognized it to be my bedroom wall. 'Oh no' I thought to myself whilst gulping rather audibly. 

"Nervous are we, pumpkin?" My dad said evilly. he hasn't called me pumpkin since I was about 4 so he deliberately emphasized it. 


"Hey pumpkin," my dad called out to me.

"Hi daddy," I smiled. I was colouring him a picture of a bunny. 

"What ya doing?" he asked sweetly.

"I'm colring you a bunnyyyy," my infant tongue couldn't manage all the words I tried to pronounce.

The disgusted look on my dad face made my eyes start to well up.

"Do you not like the bunny daddy? I - I can chane it if you want daddy?" I cried. I didn't want to upset him again.


I started balling my eyes out, "I- m sowwy daddy. I not mean to make you mwad." The bunny colouring at this point was long forgotten.


"Owww. Daddy you hurted me," I cried out. 

"Oh did I?" he spoke coldly, dragging me by my hair. 

He chucked me in the basement and locked the door. 

"Daddy," I screamed out into the chilly darkness of the neglected basement. 

"When you learn to behave you can come out, pumpkin," he roared emphasising 'pumpkin' sickly.

~End of flashback~

"Why?" is all I said.

"Because you were never behaved. You went to school and couldn't speak! You went to school and learnt nothing!" My dad roared. So close to my face that I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

"No! Why? Why did you do that to me? Leave me in the basement at the age of four for my six year old brother to help me out when he heard my sobs and whimpers? Why were you always drunk? Why did you never help me when I was little? WHY DID YOU RUIN MY LIFE?" I responded with my new found confidence. 


"What was that pumpkin?" My dad whispered.

"I. Hate. You," I spoke through tears.


"Do you want to say that again?" My dad laughed harshly.

"You don't scare me anymore. You can't hurt me anymore than I hurt myself anyway," I spoke calmly. 

He looked at me dumbfounded. 

"Why are you crying if I don't hurt or scare you?" He said, seeming proud of himself for that come back.

"I'm crying because you hurt me emotionally, you can slap me all you want. It. Doesn't. Hurt. Me." I responded. I was slightly scared of my new found confidence. It would get me into too much trouble. 

"BULLSHIT!" My dad screamed. 

"IT'S NOT. IT'S THE TRUTH! I'M NOT 4 YEARS OLD ANYMORE DAD. I'VE GROWN UP. MAYBE YOU SHOULD TOO!" I screamed through my tears. They wouldn't stop. 

He took me by the throat and pulled me towards him before slamming my back into the wall. It hurt. It hurt like hell, but I didn't let him know that. I stood with a straight face as his grip around my throat tightened slowly starving me of oxygen. He let go of my throat and slapped me before he walked away. 

"I hate you," I whispered, collapsing to the ground. I cried and cried. It felt as though I was never going to stop.

A/n: Well hello! I'm sorry don't come for me for posting like 4 weeks late! Anywayyyyyy, I hope you enjoyed this emotional chapter. I actually cried writing the flashback bit. I don't like child abuse at all, but it felt necessary for my story. It's more of an insight of Leah's childhood, to show you all why she is who she is now.

~Stay strong,

Tanna xx

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