Bofurs plan and the aftermath

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Bofur's day started like any other. Get up, get dressed, breakfast then to the mines for work. The day was painfully normal, working in the deepest pit he hummed a sprightly tune to keep the others in time and their spirits high. Then it hit him.

No, it literally hit him, right on the head, a weight sagging one end of his hat down. Then he heard the scream, the words of true heart break echoing throughout the mine as he picked the silver pouch out of his hats folds.

"This mountain contains the reason for my heart break, go on and have my heart! I do not need it!"

He knew that voice... he opened the pouch and under the light of his lamp he saw.... Dwain's beads, well they were Y/Ns beads. But she had asked Bifur and himself to craft them for her, they had been ever so happy to comply. And here she was throwing them down a mineshaft?! Bofur would have been angry at the lass, but the voice echoing in the mines spoke true. She was heartbroken, Dwalin had done SOMETHING to the sweet lass, enough for her to forego asking to court him. He bets it's that vile lady he is with now, readying his pack he decides its home time. And that's when Bombur tells him of the fight, Y/Ns arrest and the fires. A small thought bloomed in the back of his mind... then when Y/N left for Dale that though became an idea... then when her intentions to leave altogether came forth in the meeting that idea became a fully fledged plan. One he shared with the company, barring Dwalin who left to see his. Betrothed. Bofur's plan was brilliant, and they acted accordingly.


Nori had informed Y/N of Bofurs plans, stating that if she truly wanted to be with Dwalin she would try get him to see Kizra how everyone else did. Y/N decided to give one final try in the pursuit of her happiness, and sent word that a consultation was needed in 3 days. 3 days for Bofur's plan to work.

Day 1 was for Nori to execute his part of the plan with Bofur and Dis.

Nori and Bofur had 'bumped in to' Dis and her lady in waiting Kizra on the first day.

"So you see Kizra if you want the best cake Middle Earth has ever seen I would make a peace offering with Y/N, her favourite cake, I believe it to be violet creme with blackcurrant jam." Kizra indeed wanted the best cake and she guessed she could cut the baker some slack after all the games. The proposal rushed on Dwalin's part, she guessed to save their failing relationship, Kizra tried to be extra attentive to quell Dwalin's worries. Her plan had to work. So she humoured the princess and agreed to making the cake. Dis smirked, this was going perfectly. "Oh master Nori, Bofur nice to see you, but im afraid we must be going. We have to get a cake prepared."

"Indeed your majesty, but if you make that cake my Lady Kizra don't use blackberry jam, use blueberry." Bofur corrected, smiling at the ladies bowing fluidly with Nori. Nori continued-

"That's right, Y/N is terribly allergic, she almost died last time, thankfully Oin got to her to stop it. Anyway ladies, good luck with the cake!" The two men walked leisurely away and high fived once round the corner.

Kizras smile turned sly as she looked to the retreating men, Dis' smile was smug behind her. She took the bait.

The second day began when Thorin notified Dwalin of his intent to travel to Dale the next day for a meeting with Bard, a secret meeting that required total secrecy. Dwalin was asked to be the Kings only escort, his only guard, as the meeting was something to do with a proposal to lady Teala. Dwalin accepted straight away and organised the guards to be busy that day in other parts of Erebor and Dale.

Thorin and Dis managed their parts of the plan brilliantly.

The rest of the Company helped behind the scenes, Balin and Ori by writing the cake recipe for Kirza with the right ingredient on, Gloin and Oin by going with Fili and Kili to Mirkwood for a trade negotiation so Oin would be away for the incident, Bombur by helping Kizra make the cake (not noticing the wrong ingredient on purpose). They were all in on it!

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