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"I have binders done." "This is the idea we have figured out right now...Nobody cares about Binders Ruby!" "You right you got the binders." "Thats all you need to focus on. Yourself."

"Yo! One at a time. Im not following." Cesar yelled out.

Ruby short ass raised his hand. "Sorry. We're excited. We've been talking about this for the last two weeks. Time to move forward with the plan!"

"Plan for what?"

"Getting you out of the gang!" Esperanza said as if it was rhetorical that he asked.

Cesar busted out laughing. "You're serious?"

They all nodded.

"No! No, no, no, no. There is no out." Cesar said. "Y'all are being naive. Once you're jumped in you cant get out. Unless you get jumped out and...thats not ..option."

"Why not?" Jamal slow self asked.

"Cuz they beat you til you die dummy." Esperanza said.

"Oh. I see your dilemma." Jamal said. "Death isn't the only option. Ruby?" Monse said.

"After research, I formed a theory that all things comes in threes. The Holy Trinity, primary colors, Destiny's Child.." He said grabbing binders.

"D.C. started with four members." Jamal stated.

"They weren't big until they were three. Which is why there are three common denominators to end any and all hostile situations." " I called them the three M's. Money, murder, and manipulation."

He passed out the binders. "Not that one Esperanza. They're watermarked."

Esperanza opened the binder. "Cleary he's not murdering nobody. It wouldn't help the situation." Esperanza said.

"There's no way we can hustle up enough money with the car wash to make it worth Oscar's while." Ruby started.

"Unless..." Jamal started. "Jamal. Don't! Please don't say it." "Getting a lot of cash isn't outside the realm of possibility."

"What are you talking about." Cesar asked.

"RollerWorld." Monse, Esperanza, and Ruby said.

"Its real and fifty-k is still out there. The dudes that robbed RollerWorld got put away, but the money was never recovered-" " In the eighties!" Ruby yelled out.

"And the rumor's still rampant! What about the goonies?! Some of those kids though it was b.s. too until they found the treasure. And they weren't even-"

"Brown! We're brown." Monse said cutting Jamal off. "Only white kids find treasure."

"True." Jamal said.

"What are you looking for?" Ruby asked his Abuela. "Baby Jesus! He's missing. The special one blessed by the bishop."

"I put him in here before i started to move into my room." She said pointing at a bin.

"Dude! You're holding it." Ruby said to Jamal. Everybody looked at Jamal as he stood. "No, this is Toddler Jesus. Babies don't stand. This Jesus is probably already potty trained. And this isnt a diaper. They're booty shorts."

"Jamal give it to her!" Esperanza told him. He gave Abuela her baby Jesus.

"Sit down! Sit down!"

Cesar started to get up. "We haven't even said the final M!" Esperanza said.
"Dont need to." "Huuuuuuuuh" Esperanza sighed loudly.

She stood up and pushed Cesar back down. "Manipulation" Monse started. "Through negotiation. " Jamal finished. "Cogent well articulated arguments." Ruby said.

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