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Oliver's POV
He was about to leave

"Are you trying to kill yourself" tatsu said

"I have to get back" Oliver said

"You have to rest" tatsu said "I suppose you planned on leaving me without telling me"

"Well I knew you wouldn't approve...you saved my life thank you" Oliver said

"Maseo saved it I merely treated you and you are going to undo all that work if you leave now" tatsu said

"I can't stay here" Oliver said "my sister my city" Oliver said "...Barry"

"Will mourn your passing I'm sure" tatsu said

"If your so concerned then why don't you come with me you can make sure I drink my penicillin tea" Oliver said

"Like Maseo I've disappeared from the world and I do not wish to return....be well Oliver" tatsu said then Oliver slowly headed for the door

Roy's POV

"The glades have been without a police presence for a week now"

"Daniel brickwell threatened every member of local government what else was mayor castle supposed to do"

"This is worse than negotiating with terrorist this..."

[tv shatters]

"Tax time brick wants his cut now give me all the cash in your register or I'll make your head look like that tv" the thug said

"I have a better idea" Roy said

"Looks like-we got ourselves a real life superhero you that red streak I've been hearing about on tv" the thug said

"Wrong city" Roy said them Amie ran in and knocked him out

"He called you the streak" Amie laughed

"Not the time Amie this city is going to Hell without Oliver" felicity said over the coms

"Sorry" Amie said

[phone ringing]

"It's lance" felicity says

"Good" Dig said

"Captain lance" felicity said

"You guys have been busy" lance said

"Just trying to keep things together doesn't really feel like it's working" felicity said

"How can i help" lance said

"Can you i mean i thought the mayor was pretty specific about blues staying out of the glades" felicity said

"For god sake Felicity just take the offer" Barry said clearly fighting some bad guys

"Meet us on 5th and noon in 15 got to go" felicity said

Roy's pov

"Captain lance" Roy said in distorted voice with Amie behind him

"Harper" lance said

"I'm not sure what your" Roy said as Amie just grinned

"Look I've seen you shooting a red hoodie I've seen you shooting arrows at people you think I didn't recognize you with a little more leather" lance said

"Guess i won't be needing this" Roy said turning of distorter Amie snatches the file out of his hand

"Wish I knew who you were are you like a mini flash" lance said

"I wouldn't call her that" Roy said

"What's this" Amie said in distorted voice

"Everything on brick we could salvage from evidence storage maybe something in there can help you figure out where he's hiding" lance said

"Thanks week get felicity right in it" roy said then the two started walking off

"Any word on out green hooded friend or even out bat friend" lance said then Amie stoped and looked back at Roy

"Still unavailable" Roy said

Oliver's POV


"If you want to tell me I told you so how about you say it in person" Oliver said then tatsu fell from the tree

"I told you so" tatsu said

"just couldn't stay away from me could ya" Oliver said


She and Oliver were sitting by a fire tatsu was renewing the bandages

"Why did you change your mind"Oliver said

"I've been to enough Funerals" tatsu said

"So help me" Oliver said

"That isn't what I've been doing" tatsu said

"The man Maseo serves when he finds out I'm alive he is going to come for me and my sister" Oliver said

"Ras al ghul Maseo spoke of him while you were recuperating" tatsu said

"He fights with Swords and he's good I seem to remember you being pretty good with a blade yourself" Oliver said

"Mastery of Swords is more than mastery of technique to deafest this man you must think like him be like him you must fight in the ways he does your only hope for such a teacher was Maseo only the student has hope of defeating the master" tatsu said

Barry's POV
He was at work when Liam walked in with food

"Your a mother fucking lifesaver" Barry said taking the big belly burger out of his hand

"Well I thought I could help my boyfriend out with his hunger" Liam said then places a kiss on his lips

"Don't get to cocky" Barry said (he got with Liam in hope to get over Oliver)

"But I can't help but too I'm the luckiest man alive" Liam said


"Did you hear about flash day" Liam said

"Flash what" Barry said

"They are finally throwing a party for the flash since the incident last year" Liam said then Barry remembers how Ronnie risked his life not him

"Yeah that's cool" barry said

"They are giving him the key to the city" Liam said as Barry nearly choked on the fry in his mouth

"The key to the What" Barry said

"City" Liam said

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