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I've been sick all week idk how but Ive been trying to write but spring break is in two days so I will be available

Days after Sara's death


"This is Thea leave a message" the voicemail said

"Hey thea it's me Olli um I know your still traveling but i really need to hear your voice right now so call me back" Oliver says then hangs up

"Hey Oliver" Barry says

"Hey...what are you doing here" Oliver said

"I heard about what happened and thought I could come do something" barry says

"Barry" Oliver says

"Sorry i wanted to comfort my friend" barry says

"Barry no it's not that I'm just stressed" Oliver says

"Stressed?.....Our friend was shot with arrows and fell off a roof her body is upstairs right above us in a freezer because we don't know what to do with her so I am so sorry you don't have feelings but maybe if you did we..,Sorry that was uncalled for but this is Sara how can you stand there and be so cold" barry said

"Because I don't have the luxury of falling to pieces"

"Oliver stop with your shit..,everyone gets to grieve" Barry says walking up to him

"They need to look to me as a leader.,.barry"!oliver says

"You are still a human being olli you are allowed to have feelings"Barry says

"Earlier today I was looking at Sara and realize something one of these days it's going to be me and this life that I've chosen it only ends one way" Oliver says

"So that's it...your Just going to slowly rot away in that cave.,,,waiting to die" Barry says "I need you Olli"

Oliver grabs Barry's face then kisses Him on his lips as Barry kisses back with passion then splits up again

"I need you too but I don't want to hurt you" Oliver says

"So this is how it's going to be now you and me just arguing then telling each other "miss you"" Barry says with a tear falling down

"I don't know barry"Oliver said

"Sorry to interrupt whatever y'all were doing but Oliver come here real quick" dig said "their is only a couple archers I can think of that are still alive"

"No they wouldn't kill one of there own" Oliver said

"We found this in her boot" felicity said then handed him a clean paper

"Do you have a flame" Oliver says

"Like my dad journal you expose it to fire and the secret is out" Oliver said and held the fire over the flame and it reveled her locations on Malcom

"Malcom I thought that son of a bitch was dead" dig said

"She came to me and Barry the day she died she told us the league had suspicions and asked her to fallow them" Oliver said

"I wouldn't be surprised if Malcom killed her"Felicity said sniffling

"Where's barry" dig said

"He needed some air" Oliver said

"And what do you need Oliver"dig said

"I just need Thea to call me back" Oliver said

Dig pats him on the shoulder

Amies pov
She was training with Bruce


Bruce had dogged on of Amies hits and found an opening which leaded to Amie being on the floor under Bruce but she quickly switched rolls and now she had Bruce on the floor

"Don't underestimate someone in a weak state they will do anything to get out of that position" Amie said as Bruce sat up and looked down at Amies position then kissed her and she kissed back wrapping her arms and legs around Bruce as he got up and carried her to the couch and laid down he unbuttoned his shirt then took it off and continued to make out with Amie he started to tease her by pushing closer to her and kissing her neck causing her to gasp a little then Amie had switched positions and was moving her hips up and down just a little bit making out with him when Roy walked in and Amie sped away from the position she was in

"To late I already saw" Roy said as Bruce put back on his shirt blushing red (they are old enough to make out calm down)

"Your here earlier than I thought" Bruce said

"Really wish I was here way later but I was to late" Roy said trying to shake out the image in his head

Barry's POV
He was at work thinking about earlier and really wishing he could have one of the things Cisco made for him to get drunk but cisco hadn't made any more since Oliver broke up with him he continued his work when one of the pretty boy cops walked in a handed him a file

"Hey Barry...can you run this for me I'm working on a lead" he said

"Sure what's your name" Barry said

"Liam Miller you can call me lee" he said

"Okay I'll try to get to you as fast as I can" barry said "files have been stacking all week"

"Thank you" Liam said

Oliver's POV
Dig walked in

"I'm going to catch whoever killed her" Oliver said

"I know you are..she was family just like you man" dig said "so now what"

"Now I got to go get thea" Oliver said "it's long past time she came home" John started to walk out "John..I don't want to die down here"

"So don't oliver

Barry's POV
He had finished the evidence Liam Gave him and took it to his desk then him get smacked by what looked like his girlfriend and just dropped it off and left a note saying

"Hopefully this will help" then he came up behind him

"Did you see what happened" Liam said

"Yeah I'm sorry for whatever that was but I finished you want to talk about it"

"I'm ok...I was stupid to think I could of made it work with a girl" Liam said

"What does that mean"

"I'm gay" Liam said "and I cheated on her with a guy who ended up being a real doche" he laughed

"You want to go grab a beer" Barry asked

"Yeah i'd like that" Liam said

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