Chapter 21: Cry

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I tuck Lily in to bed and kiss her good night.

"When is dad coming home?" She asks, looking up at me.

"Tomorrow." I smile at her. "You missing him?"

She nods.

"Hes only been away a few days sweetie." I chuckle.

"So you dont miss him?" She asks.

I smirk.

"Yeah, of course I miss him, but we get to see him tomorrow."

She smiles.

"Good night baby." I kiss her cheek and stand up.

"Night mom."

I leave her room and close her door. I notice Jayden still has his lamp on. I smile and shake my head.

"Jay, I just said good night. Turn your lamp off."

He turns it off.

"Night mom."

"Good night." I call back to him as I go down stairs.

I walk in to the living room and sit down watching some TV. I look at my phone. Michael hasn't spoken to me all day. I've called and left loads of messages, but he isnt getting back to me. I hope hes ok... I dont know why hes doing this. I'm really worried about him. Well I guess he will be coming home tomorrow... and we need to have a chat. He cant ignore me forever.

I watch a movie but as the night goes on I start drifting off to sleep. I try and wake myself every now and again to check if Michael has text me, but nothing. I sigh and get up, turning off the TV. I go in to the kitchen and pour myself a glass of water. Just as im about to think about going to bed I hear the front door open. I lower my eyebrows and walk out of the kitchen to see who it is. I raise my eyebrows when I see Michael walk in, trying to shut the door quietly. He puts his stuff down and looks over at me. My belly flips. Damn, even though I'm mad with him I really have missed him. He shows half a smile.

"Hey." I say trying not to speak too loudly.


"I thought you were coming home tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I thought I'd come back tonight."

"Oh ok." I nod, lowering my eyebrows. "Are you ok?" I ask.

He nods and walks towards me, not giving me eye contact.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

He walks past me and in to the kitchen. Hes just completely fucking blanked me.

"How are you?" He asks, getting himself a glass of water.

I start to get upset, and suddenly want to cry. I hold back my tears and clear my throat.

"What do you think Michael?"

He keeps quiet and sips his water.

"What is wrong with you?!" I start speaking a bit louder now. "Why are you being like this with me?"

"I think we need to talk." He sighs.

"Oh really? You think?" I say sarcastically.

"Yeah." He says giving me a look. "Dont start getting sarcastic with me."

He quickly looks away and drinks more of his water. I stare at him and frown. I watch his movements and I realise hes taken something...

"Michael, look at me."

He quickly looks at me, but doesn't keep eye contact. I shake my head and walk up to him. I hold his chin and make him look at him. His pupils are dilated and his eyes are a bit blood shot. He makes a face and pushes my hand away roughly.

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