Chapter 22: I Guess It's Something

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I sip my coffee and stare at my computer screen. I can't focus on anything. I sigh and sit back in my chair. I run my hands through my long hair and take in a deep breath and check my phone. All I can think about is Michael... and how he upset me. Maybe I should text him... to see if hes ok. I shake my head and roll my eyes. After the way hes been acting? No, dont text him Layla. But even though things are bad at the moment, I'm still worrying about him. I moan quietly to myself and try to get back to my work. Theres a knock on my door.

"Yes?" I call out, with a sigh.

The door opens and Scott walks in. He smiles at me. I show a quick smile.

"Hi Mrs Jackson."


He closes the door and walks over to my desk.

"I haven't had a chance to speak with you since the meeting."

"Yeah." I nod. "A lot has been happening hasn't it?" I say looking at him.

He nods slowly.

"The meeting went really well. Did Mr Gilbert get back to you?"

"Yeah he did. He seemed to like you."

"That's great." He smiles. "I really enjoyed the experience, and I hope you'll give me more opportunity now to continue going to meetings, considering how well things went."

I nod slowly.

"I wanted to speak to you and Mr Jackson together actually, so he could discuss my progress with you too."

"Unfortunately hes not very well." I say, looking at Scott blankly.

"Oh, ok." Scott lowers his eyebrows. "Is he ok?"

I sigh and lick my lips.

"Too much partying I think." I raise my eyebrows.

Scott chuckles.

"Yeah, he did get pretty wild."

I squint my eyes at him. Scott slowly stops smiling.

"Well I mean, we just had a few drinks. I dont think Mr Jackson can handle his liquor very well."

"Right." I nod. "Well Michael doesn't drink."

"Yeah he did mention that, but I guess he wanted to relieve some stress. Michael had a bit of a fight with some guy as well... so that didn't help."

I lock my jaw and try to keep calm. Scott is acting very innocent right now, but I have this feeling like hes been encouraging Michael... or pressuring him.

"So you and him, were drinking the whole time you were there?"

"Just in the evenings, when we got something to eat. Dont worry though, we still stayed professional." He smiles.

I give him a look. I look back down at my laptop. I'm really not in the mood to hear this. It's only making me more mad with Michael.

"Sorry Scott, I have a lot of work to do."

"Oh yeah of course." He nods. "I need go get back to a client anyway."

I smile and he leaves my office. I sigh and put my face in my hands.


I drive to work and sit in the car, looking at the building. I pick up the bunch of flowers sitting on the passenger seat and get out of my car. I know flowers arent going to help... but I want to show Layla I'm sorry. I just feel so guilty... about everything I've done. I dont know how much longer I can keep what I done with Esta a secret. It's really eating at me. I just want me and Lay to be on speaking terms at least. I take a deep breath and walk in to the building. I walk past reception and smile at Wendy.

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