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Chapter 3: Princess

“What the hell was that!”

Before I could get two words in my loving friends started to attack me with pillows. You would think something so soft wouldn’t hurt but those bad boys hurt like a bitch.

“Geezus stop hitting me you demon children! I’ll explain once you stop hitting me!” Before they could hit me one more time the pillows flew up in the air. Good, I’ve finally got their attention.

“Well go on then!” Silver said impatiently.

“Okay so I’ve always thought Garrett was cute and gorgeous but I’ve never actually like liked him till recently, I guess. I ran into him like a bajillion times and all times he basically told me I was cute or pretty and you know I’m a sucker for those things. I know you guys think he’s no good and a badass but I know he’s not. Whenever I’m around him the vibe changes and I can feel his bad boy façade crumble away. He may not feel the same way but I honestly don’t think I can give up without trying. I have gone way too long being scared of everything, and I might as well yolo this one.”

I finished my explanation as fast as possible and I couldn’t bear to look at them. I almost started to regret everything I told them and debated hiding away in my room forever until I was suddenly tackled to the floor. The first to say anything was Lia, “OH MY GOSH LILAH! You are so cute!”

“Out wittle girl is gwoing up so fast” Silver teased.

I guess today was make Delilah red like a tomato day because that’s all my face seems to be doing. Since I told them my story all they’ve done was make up stupid ship names like Delarrett or Garlilah or Delilett. They all sounded like diseases but if I had to choose, the last one would be less disease-y. We didn’t realize how much time we spent doing nothing until I finally looked at the clock to see that it was 11 o’clock and we haven’t started any homework. “I guess it’s an all nighter for me tonight” My friends agreed and with that they got up to leave. Once we said our goodbyes I ran up to my room to try and start homework but my brain had other plans. All I could think about was Garrett freaking Michaels and his stupid confusion actions. It was now 3:30am and I decided it was a reasonable time to give up on homework. I had to get up in 3 ½ hours so why not try and sleep.


“Good morning sunshine” I heard someone whisper in my ear.

“mmmm yeah sure” I mumbled into my pillow.

Wait a minute… My parents were gone for a month and I’m pretty sure I am an only child, so who the poop is in my house. Being the frantic clutz I am I panicked just to painfully fall out of my bed. Then I heard the familiar laugh and I knew exactly who it was.

“Michaels how the hell did you get into my house!”

“Princess, you should learn to lock your doors, especially when you’re home alone.”

“UGH!” I buried my head back into my pillow that landed perfectly with me. “Okay well we have an hour and a half till school starts can you leave me alone now?” There was his stupid laugh again “Delilah class started an hour ago, you overslept.”

“WHAT! Why didn’t you wake me up sooner!?” I ran into the bathroom gathering my things as fast as possible, no longer caring about the gorgeous boy standing in my room. I had to get ready.

As fast as I try to get ready, it’s never actually fast. For someone who doesn’t put much effort in looks it takes me a hell of a long time to get ready. After an hour I finally finished and walked into my room just to find Garrett making himself comfortable on my bed.

“Shit, you scared me, what the hell are you still doing here?”

“Well Rivers I’m pretty sure I told you that I was taking you to school today, so let’s go”

This time without protest I got on his damn motorcycle and we sped to school. At this point I’ve missed two classes and there was fifteen minutes left of third period so coming to school was pointless. When we walked through the gates I asked the house intruder, “Why did we even bother going to classes today, we missed half the day already?”

“Good point Princess but as much as I’d like to leave we just walked passed 2 of my teachers and the principal so there’s no turning back. Plus, it’s time for lunch.” Right as the lunch bell rang his arm suddenly wrapped around my shoulders and we walked towards the cafeteria.

“What the hell are you doing!?” I whispered angrily “They are staring at us Garrett please, can we just sit?” I could feel everyone’s eyes on us and occasionally I saw the whisper and point thing going on.

“Princess, you’ll be fine, c’mon your friends are waiting.” My head snapped back to their direction and sure enough there they were waiting for our arrival. Once we reached the table he released me from his clutches and whispered in my ear “Now wasn’t that a rush? I’ll see you after school Delilah, same place and time.” I could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks but I think I did a good job keeping it down. “Uh yeah okay bye!” I was disappointed to see him walk away but relieved that he stopped before he could embarrass me anymore. Just as he was about to leave the room he turned and yelled over his shoulder, “Don’t miss me too much, Princess.” Face palming, I spoke too soon. Damn him, I knew he did that on purpose seeing as he had that smirk back on his face.  I couldn’t contain my sudden red face so I decided to pretend nothing happened and gave my friends the biggest smile of my life as they sat jaw dropped.

I wish I knew what he was up to. 

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