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Chapter 4: Date

Garrett POV

I told her to meet me after school because annoying her is fun and seeing her blush is cute. I sound like a guy in love but I don’t really know.She’s different. She didn’t think her nickname was cute when I thought it was extremely clever, but that doesn’t really matter cause it’s staying. I hope she’s aware of that. I still brought her to school which makes no sense, so now I have to get through these last two classes and then I’m taking Delilah on a date. It’s a Friday so she doesn’t need to stay at home all day, which I know she probably does all the time. Ya know? I think I do actually like Delilah Rivers… Oh man, I need to see how this will play out.


Delilah POV

OH GOD! This is it! It’s after school again and that means Garrett Michaels is taking me home on his fucking motorcycle again. I can feel my face start to heat and I’m not even around him yet. Ugh.. Does this boy know his affect on me?? Once the bell rang I started packing up extremely slow and waited for every single person to leave the room before me. This of course shocked the teacher since I’m usually the first one out that door. Being the last one meant the teacher was bound to start conversation, and he did. For some reason he asked about school and life and homework and uugggghh just leave me alone.


I turned to the door and notice Garrett leaning on the door frame, “Well hey there Princess, what’s taking you so long?”

I stared dumfounded until my teacher finally spoke up.

“Oh, we were just catching up on academics, isn’t that right Delilah?”

“uuhhhh yeah sure I guess…” I stuttered

“Okay well have a great day sir,” and with that I rushed out.

As I ran I felt someone pull me back. Yikes.

Garrett held me back and moved me towards the wall, trapping me. “Princess, are you ready for today?”

His eyes stayed fixated into mine and I was speechless. What am I supposed to do when I’m alone in the hallway with the hottest guy in school?

I’ll play it cool ;)

I cleared my throat trying to sound stern, “What’s going on today? Aren’t you just taking me home?”

He laughed, “Oh no no no, I’m taking you on a date. Once you get home, get ready, and I’ll be back at your house at 6:30”

Wow, I checked my watch and that only left me two hours to get ready. Sure it seems like a long time, but I still had to get home, shower, pick out an outfit, and try to calm myself down. That was a lot of things to do in such a small amount of time. Of course I could always call for help, but that was pushing it. I really don’t have any other choice so I guess I’ll have to call my go to girls.

“Hey Lia? Can you and Silver drop by my house ASAP? It’s an emergency and I need you.”

I got no response but heard the line go dead, which was a good sign.

10 minutes later I heard my door slam and they stormed into my room.

“What the deuce is going on now?!??!?!?” They both yelled like I just murdered someone, which I might do soon if they don’t shut the hell up and help me!

Goddammit I guess I’ll just give them the rundown of the whole situation.

“Alright well, you know how Garrett gave me a ride home?”

They nodded.

“Well.. He said we are going on a date and he’s picking me up at 6:30 so you need to pick out an outfit while I shower, then make me look pretty.” Breathe.


Oh yes, you heard that right, I’m seventeen years old and I’ve never been on a date, never had a boyfriend, and have never been kissed.


After my fairy godmothers finally finished my transformation it was 6:25, right on time. They’ve already left and made it known that I had to tell them exactly what happened tonight.

I turned to the mirror slightly shocked. I had my favorite red daisy summery dress on, black tights, jean jacket, and of course my converse. My makeup was the usual with a little more drama, and my hair was loosely waved.

6:30 and right on time, Garrett rang my doorbell. I opened the door and he suddenly turns around with a bouquet of sunflowers. I blushed and his stupid smirk appeared on his face again.

“Hey Princess, you look beautiful”

Looking down I punched him and quietly spoke, “Stop lying...” All he did afterwards was extended his arm and led me to his car.

I was way too shy for this and I honestly don’t think I will survive the night. Once we were in his car and asked, “Where exactly are we going Michaels?”

“Well Rivers, that’s a secret.”

“Okay it’s now my turn with a question”

When did this turn into twenty questions?

“Fine, what is it?”

“Princess, is this your first date?”

Oh fuck… How did he know? Uhm okay play it cool Delilah you can do this.

“Uh yeah? No? Maybe? Uhhhh”  

- face palm- so much for cool.

Then he did something completely unexpected. He placed his hand on my knee and said “Hey Delilah it’s okay, I won’t do anything too embarrassing tonight. “

Then I saw his million dollar smirk appear on his face once again.

Damn this beautiful boy and his swoony ways.

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