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MOLLIE FORMAN was a hard worker

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MOLLIE FORMAN was a hard worker.

As the 1970's brought economic recession to the American mid-west, Mollie saw the strain it began to put on her family. The youngest daughter in a humble, blue collar family, it became engrained in her that if she wanted something, she would have to work for it. 

When she wanted hot rollers, she got a job on the candy kiosk at the mall. When she wanted to be the state track champion, she trained almost everyday. And if she wanted to go to college, she knew she would need a scholarship. It was what she knew and she rarely complained. 

STEVEN HYDE was the opposite

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STEVEN HYDE was the opposite.

A tumultuous childhood, his father left when he was still a child and his mother found more time for the bottle than she did for her own son. As a result, Hyde found himself spending more time at the Forman household than he did his own, hanging with his friends in this basement and regularly getting high. 

At school, he slept more than he studied. He didn't have a job and heck, he barely had a place to live. It was all a social construct, used to enslave the American people into conformity, or so he believed. But one thing he knew for certain was that life wasn't handed to you on a golden platter. 

FOR MOST OF THEIR CHILDHOOD, Mollie was just Hyde's bestfriend's little sister

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FOR MOST OF THEIR CHILDHOOD, Mollie was just Hyde's bestfriend's little sister. Secretly rebellious, the little girl who inserted herself into their games and cried when they told her to go away grew up. To Mollie, Hyde was just ber brother's stoner friend, who called her names when they were kids and secretly gave her weed when she asked for some. 

Nobody expected they to be anything more. Mollie had a boyfriend, he was football player and she was a cheerleader. If it were a tv show, then they would be endgame. If anybody thought anything of Hyde, it was that he'd be in jail by the time everyone else was graduating from college. 

They were polar opposites, but somehow that always seems to bring people together. 

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There will be violence, mature scenes, strong language, 
trauma, death, betrayal, heartbreak, etc. etc.

All that good stuff.


copyright © 2023
All Rights Reserved

No part of this publication may be 
reproduced, translated or copied.


I do not own any of the characters from That 70's Show,
nor do I own their plotlines or dialogue.

I only own Mollie Forman, her backstory and storylines,and any additional characters that may appear.

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