I: Wish you were gay

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You sat on your bed with your ukulele and  sang a song, any lyrics that came to your head, you sang.

Recently you were starting to feel more attracted to her, but you knew she was straight. This fact really hurt you, she never outwardly said she didn't like girls, but it was painfully obvious.

Whenever you were around the doctor you'd always feel your knees go weak and you'd always stutter. The doctor didn't seem to interested in you, she was always paying attention to yaz and Ryan, while you and graham were left in the back ground to pick up the pieces.

You finished your song and got up from your bed sighing. You felt so dizzy and hopeless, for the past four nights you couldn't sleep at all, you were too busy thinking about how much you love the doctor, to receive no love back.

You walked towards the kitchen, catching a whiff of custard creams and tea. You neared the door and heard a the sound of a kettle boiling and a sonic screwdriver. as you walked into the kitchen you saw the doctor leaning on the counter, pointing her sonic at the kettle.

"Im not even going to ask" you said as you walked towards the fridge, opening it and pulling out a carton of strawberry milk. The doctor looked up at you and dismissed your comment, then continued to fiddle with the kettle. You rolled your eyes and sighed as you picked up a glass and poured some milk in it. "You know, if i annoy you, you can tell me." you said after taking a sip.

"Annoy me?" she asked in shock, turning around and putting her sonic on the counter. "y/n, why would you ever annoy me?" she said as she stepped towards you. "I dont know, i just sometimes get the feeling that you dont want me around or that im an inconvenience..." you said, looking at your glass, not daring to look at her. "y/n, you do realise that to me you are one of the most important people in the universe, i will always want you around." she said sternly but affectionately. You looked up at her, half smiling. "Right, yes- thank you. Im sorry, i havent slept much lately, im just being stupid." you said as you started to walk away.

"Is there something else wrong?" the doctor asked, genuine concern flooding her voice. You stopped, dead in your tracks and looked at your feet. 'should i tell her?' you thought to yourself. It was now or never. "Doctor i- its just- I really like you, infact i think i love you, and i know youre not gay so i totally understand if this is weird to you but every time i think about you i get this feeling in my chest like its about to explode, and i get it if you want me to leave, i just cant keep this hidden anymore." you said, stumbling over your words. The doctor looked at you wide eyed and speechless.  you turned around and smiled awkwardly, but her expression didnt budge.

You looked away and bit your lip, regretting your decision. "y/n.. what made you think i had a specified sexual orientation? I fall in love with whome i choose no matter their species or gender." the doctor said as she walked towards you. "I-I guess i was trying to make an excuse as to why you dont love me" you laughed awkwardly. This was starting to bug the doctor. "Stop assuming i dont love you y/n! the only reason i didnt say either way was because i thought you didnt love me!" she said finally standing in front of you. she raised her hand and cupped your cheek lovingly. "i have always loved you y/n, and i always will" she said in a matter of fact tone. You smiled and felt your heart skip a beat. "i love you too, doctor." you said back. 

The doctor then leant in for a kiss, it was brief but full of love. and it sort of tasted like custard creams...

You felt heat rise to your face as you realized what had just happened. "Is everything okay?" the doctor asked, searching your face for an answer. "Y-yes, its just... that was my first kiss.." you said slightly ashamed of yourself. 

"No way!" she said, her accent was so strong then.

Suddenly she kissed you again, this time it was fierce and lasted longer than the last one, it was the kind of kiss youd see in movies at the end of a really cheesy romantic comedy. the doctor pulled away and gave off a dorky smile.

"i hope i can be your first and only kiss, if thats okay with you?" she asked as she tucked a stray hair behind your ear.

all you could do was nod in agreement and then fling your arms around her, bringing her into a tight loving hug.

A/N: this is my first 13th x reader fanfiction so please dont shoot me if its bad!

have a good day lovely reader <3

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