I: You Fight.

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Both you and the doctor stormed into the TARDIS, chests heaving from the pure anger that was raging in your bodies. 

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU DOCTOR?!" you practically shrieked as the rest of the gang walked into the TARDIS behind you both, not wanting to get involved. The doctor sarcastically laughed and then scoffed "ME? maybe look at your actions before you go lecturing me about something your human brain couldn't even comprehend, OKAY?!"

You looked at her with an unreadable look. "did you just call me stupid?" you asked calmly, though you really wanted to hit her in the face. "YES, Y/N,  THATS EXACTLY WHAT I'M SAYING!" she shouted and then aggressively pushed some buttons, earning a hum from the TARDIS, presumably telling her to be gentle and not take it out on it.

You laughed and then walked up to her, stopping right in-front of her, your faces just inches apart. "If you think i'm that stupid then maybe i'm not worthy  of being on the TARDIS." you said, giving her a look of 'you didn't just really say that did you?'. 

"All i did was try to calm her down, with kind words not disrespectful childish words." you added.

She opened her mouth to say something, and then stopped when you raised a brow at her, daring her to continue. "That's not what i meant." she finally said, probably panicking.

"Take me home." You demanded angrily. "No." she said, sounding exactly like a petulant child.

"Doctor, take. me. home." You weren't playing around, you were really at the end of your tether here. "I dont want to." she said, looking at the ground, not wanting to make eye contact. She knew she fucked up.

"Seriously, take me the fuck home. NOW!" you said, this time losing your cool.

She finally did as you asked and brought you home, though reluctantly. You walked to the doors and stopped just before you opened them. "You really can be a vindictive ass sometimes." and with that, you left the TARDIS and were left to the loneliness of your home.

After a few days, things were getting very boring. The everyday life was just too generic to you because of all the adventures with the doctor. You felt bad but there came a point where you really needed to get away from the doctor. 

This whole thing started over something so silly. You, the doctor and the gang went to 1568 and met Mary queen of scots, however the doctor insisted on lecturing the queen on her choice of punishment, causing her to call for the guards and get you all almost killed. Had the doctor just shut her mouth and dealt with the zygons, you'd all be free from the danger he had actually put you in. It wasn't like other times where the doctor wasn't at fault, this time she actually put you in danger.'

It was 10pm and you had nothing to do except watch crap UK freeview, which wasn't exactly wetting your entertainment whistle. You looked at your phone and groaned. Your friend was asking if you'd go out clubbing with them. It wasn't that you didn't like going out and getting tipsy, it was the fact that your life had gotten that boring in just a few days. You decided to take up her offer. it wasn't as if you were going to get attacked by aliens or anything. 

You dressed in a black vest top with a fishnet t shirt over the top and a black pleated skirt with some tights, finishing off with some plain black fila trainers.

You weren't exactly dressing to impress, but you had to admit, you felt beautiful. You left your house with your phone, your keys and some cash in your bag.

*le time skip*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After a few hours of drinking with your friend and dancing, you were starting to get a bit drunk, and falling around. You told your friend to wait for you and then walked over to the bar and ordered another drink, and a shot of vodka. While you waited, a tall man with tattoos and long hair walked up to you, smirking.

"Hey there hottie, whats a girl like you doing here all alone?" he asked. You instantly wanted to gag. "I'm not here by myself, and whatcha mean by 'girl like me' anyway?" you asked, glaring. "Well you're sexy as fuck, surely you know what i mean?" he said with a wink. Suddenly you felt an arm wrap around your waist. "She said she isn't here alone so back off please." a voice said from beside you, you looked to your right and saw the doctor standing there, glaring at the man with a deathly glare. This wasn't an expression you had seen on the doctor before. 

The man held his hands up in defeat and walked away, leaving you alone with the last person you wanted to be with you in the universe. You wriggled out of her grasp and started to walk away, but stopped when she grabbed your wrist. "Wait, please.." she said softly. That voice, it made your heart melt and your brain go fuzzy every time she spoke to you.

"what do you want?" you asked, not realizing how much your words were slurred. She looked at you with a worried expression, but continued. "I'm sorry, i was wrong, i shouldn't have called you stupid, i just didn't want to admit that i put you in danger." she said, trying to sound sincere, which just earned a exasperated sigh from you. "Is that all?" you asked, growing more annoyed by the second. She let out a sigh, clearly what she was doing wasn't working, which annoyed her. She was good at convincing people to do what she wants. Not that she was so much playing her emotions now, more exaggerating them a bit to convince you to forgive her. 

"Look, y/n, we both know we were both at fault in that argument, so please just come back to the TARDIS, sober up and then we can work this out. I don't want to lose you okay?" Those words made you sober up at once. 

"see? you can never accept blame for anything! and despite everything I say that makes total sense, you still act like what i'm saying is stupid and like i'm some kid that doesn't know anything! i'm not a fucking child. Deal with it. And if you think that in some way you have a right to treat me like a fucking toddler, then you can do one. I'm sick to death of taking blame for things that aren't my fault. And even now after everything I'm saying, I bet you won't consider it truth. But I guess I'm over reacting aren't I? because I'm too human."

The doctor was taken back by your sudden out burst, She didn't really know what to say. She knew you were right. You were always right.

She sighed then held up her hands signaling defeat. "You're right, i'm sorry. I wont treat you like a child, I know you're not a child. I'm just stubborn, though i shouldn't be with you. I really am sorry, just please come back... I miss you. More than i've ever missed anyone before.." she said with genuine sadness in her eyes. You couldn't deny you missed her too, and to be honest, you missed the gang too.

"Fine... But if you treat me like crap again, we're done. Okay?" you said sternly. The doctors face lit up as she stepped forward and then brought you into a massive hug. You relaxed and then melted into the hug happily.

That night you slept in the doctors bed, snuggled up next to her. She held onto you as if, if she let go, you'd fade and never come back.

A/N: gosh that took me a long time! I hope you enjoyed this one, i didn't like making the doctor out to be a horrible person, but you never know what could happen if you traveled with her!

have a good day my lovely reader! <3

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