He Cheats on You Part 2 (Harry and Zayn)

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You were a wreck since you broke up with Harry, nothing pleased you, you didn't eat and when you would sleep, you would cry, every single night. It's been three weeks.. And Harry would not leave you alone. You buzzed continuously with new text messages from him.

Harry: Please... I am so sorry, Y/N....

Harry: I don't know what came over me....

Harry: I can't live without you, Y/N!

They just coming in, new texts every single second. And when each one would come in, it left you crying. Now, you were balling your eyes out and didn't hear the front door open. Suddenly a strong pair of arms hugged you into a hug, you knew it was Harry. You wrapped your arms around his neck and craddled your face into his neck. "What are you doing here, Harry?" You asked as you sniffled. "I need you in my life, I am so sorry I slept with Caroline, I honestly don't know why I did it, she's no Y/N. She can't make me feel the way that you make me feel, Y/N. Please, I am begging you... Take me back..." Harry pleaded, he was crying. You could tell. "No more flings with anybody but me, if you do I will cut off your fucking dick and throw it away." You say. He laughs and says: "Deal."


You spending the three days with your sister Y/S/N (Your Sister's Name) and she said she would have killed Zayn if he did that to her, but you two were total opposites but no one knew that if they got on your bad side you could be a total bitch! And Zayn and Perrie are on your bad side. Some times you would get out of yours sister's house and you would almost run into Zayn, as soon as you saw his quiff you went running in the other DIRECTION (A/N: get it? DIRECTION! As in One DIRECTION!! No??? OKAY!!). You ventured out of the house with your sister in tow, you two checked out the Farmer's Market and that's when you heard it. You heard Zayn singing Stay With Me by Sam Smith, and he had tears in his eyes. After he finished he walked right up to you and kissed you passionately. "I'm sorry, Y/N." He said. You nodded and kissed him again. After that Zayn never cheated again because he didn't want to lose the best thing in his life.

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