Chapter 3: His Body

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Luhan's Pov

"No Baekhyun, the split is the last part of the routine, you were suppose to spin first Baek." I told Baekhyun as I watched him fail to complete his routine on the pole.

It's been 2 weeks since Baekhyun has been with us and joined Exotic park. He's been doing a better job at serving than actually dancing. He has his first performance tomorrow and he's still not prepared.

"I'm sorry Lu, I keep getting distracted which keeps causing me to mix up the steps , I'll try better." He said as he slid down the pole.

"It's fine Baekhyun, just keep practicing, you don't wanna ruin your first routine." I told him as I sat down on the practice room floor inside the club.

Right when baekhyun began to practice again, chanyeol, his brother kai and his brother's husband Kyungsoo walked into the room.

"Luhan, it's nice to see you again." Kyungsoo said as he walked over to me and hug me.

"Hey, how is Eli?" I asked while hugging him back.

"He's fine he's with Kai's mother." Kyungsoo said as he looked over at Baekhyun doing his routine.

I looked over at chanyeol and grinned.

"Looks like chanyeol is enjoying the show." I said to Kyungsoo as we both stare at Chanyeol and laughed at his reaction.

Chanyeol's Pov

His body is so perfect.....from those milky thick thighs to those perfect hands and don't get me started on his ass in those shorts.

He was perfect, Luhan didn't disappoint me this time. But now I worried about all the men who gets to see him tomorrow. Sure, I'll get more money than ever.....but now I want him for myself and no one else.

"Hello? Chanyeol? Were you even paying attention." Kai said as he was waving his hand obnoxiously in my face.

"Sorry, what were you saying?" I said, finally turning my attention to him.

"I was saying that Yifan wants to schedule a meeting with you tomorrow night here in your club, shall I get back up or will you be fine?" He said as he looked over at his husband.

"Just let me deal with it, but make sure our men are still around, I don't trust that asshole for a minute." I said as I turned and look back at the brunette boy.

He was done with his routine, but was covered in sweat. I examined his entire body, his cheeks were alittle chubby, he had plump kissable lips. I felt like a boy in highschool having butterflies because of a crush.

I didn't notice that he was walking towards me. His hips were so mesmerizing, the way they swayed as he walked....god I could just attack him right now.

"Hi Chanyeol." He said as he wiped the sweat off his forehead.

Without saying anything, I grabbed him by his waist and kissed his lips deeply.

He was shocked first but then began to kiss me back. He wrapped his arms around my neck as I pulled back and started to kiss his neck.

"Chanyeol." He moaned my name as I went down and groped his butt. His voice sounded so smooth. I loved the way his voice sounded.

This is just like I imagined... lips sweet like candy, his voice smooth like butter, his ass softer than a cloud, it's the best feeling in the wor-

"Um....Chanyeol? Are you okay." I heard him say with a concerned tone.

I opened my eyes that I never noticed were closed, and looked around and noticed everyone was staring at me with a confused look as well. I looked at Baekhyun and he looked more confused than ever.

'Shit, was I really just day dreaming! Chanyeol, get your mind out of the gutter!' I say to myself as I shook my head and looked at him.

"What?" I say in a cold tone.

Baekhyun's Pov

"I wanted to say thanks again for this job, you don't know how much I needed this job." I say as I smiled widely at him.

He didn't seem affected. He just rolled his eyes and shrugged.

"Just don't fuck up, I have important business tomorrow so if you mess up, you're fired." He said as he turned to the tan male beside him and started talking to him.

"Don't worry about him, you'll do great." a voice said behind me.

I turned around and saw a short guy standing beside Luhan.

"Baekhyun this is Kyungsoo or D.O and D.O this is Baekhyun." Luhan said.

"Nice to meet you D.O." I said as I shook his hand. He seems like a nice person....but he also seems like he could kill someone.

"Nice meeting you too, I should get going....I miss my Eli and I know he's probably crying for me." He said as he gave Luhan and I a hug.

"Who's Eli?" I asked curiously.

"He's my baby, I had him 4 months ago.....he's too much like his father over there, but I still love him." He smiled as he looked over at his husband and smiled.

I wish I could have something like that....but who am I kidding. No one would want someone who's weak like me.

"Bye everyone, nice meeting you Baekhyun, good luck tomorrow." Kyungsoo said as he left with Chanyeol and his husband.

"Come on Baekhyun, let's stop here for today, Sehun is gonna be here soon to get us." He said as he began to pack his stuff.

Sighing, I gathered my things and sat down to catch my breath.

'I hope tomorrow goes great.' I thought to myself as I waited for Luhan.

As Luhan got finished with his thing's, sehun walked in with his emotionless face.

"Hey Baekhyun, hey Lu." He said as he walked over to Luhan and gave him a kiss on the lips.

It was nice to see how in love they are. I learned about alot of how Luhan wanted to have kids soon and how Sehun wouldn't trade Luhan in for anyone else. I learn something new about them every single day and I love it. It must be nice to have that with someone you really love.

"Alright, let's get out of here, I'm making dinner and then Luhan and I have an appointment with our bed in the next hour." Sehun said as he winked at Luhan who only bit his bottom lip in return.

And I just learned something new.....they are opened about their sex life....great. Now I have to figure out how to avoid their room tonight.

As we walked out the building, I couldn't help but notice that Chanyeol has been watching my every movement since my practice today. Did I do something wrong or is he just checking on me?

I shrugged my shoulders and got in the car which I soon regret because now Sehun and Luhan were making out in the car.

"Guys, can we please go.....I don't wanna see how you created your future baby." I tell them as I averted my eyes to the club entrance.

"Oh yeah, sorry." Sehun said as he fixed himself and started the car.

As we drove off, I could've sworn I saw Chanyeol looking down at the car....smiling. It could be a figment of my imagination, today just keeps getting weird.

Chanyeol's Pov

As I watched their car pull off, I couldn't help but think about his routine. The way he touched his own body was mesmerizing, the way he was flexible was astonishing. I had to have him, one way or another. Just wait Byun Baekhyun, I'll have you to myself.

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