Mr. Violet Eyes?

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He turned around and showed me to a bedroom, standing outside as I change into a pair of loosely-fitting pajamas. I poked my head outside to let him know I was done and he wished me a good night, before I knew what I was doing I stopped him:

"Wait" I called, "What's your name? Or should I keep calling you Mr. Violet Eyes?"

I laughed at my childish nickname for him before realizing he had gone completely still and quiet.

"Is everything alright? I'm sorry if I offended you."

"It's fine, I'm just surprised. You said my eyes are purple?"

"Yeah, it's the first thing I noticed about you."

We stood there looking at each other when I realized that his eyes were glowing.

"Ummm, I don't know if you know this but your eyes are kind of... glowing?"

"Oh well, yeah... Don't worry I'll explain more tomorrow. And to answer your question, my name is Aleurian. Rest well little one."

"Hey I'm not little!" I exclaimed

He grinned at me and replied "I know you aren't young, but the women of my kind are your size as children, to me you're quite small.Now you need sleep, goodnight."

"Goodnight Aleurian"

His name came out as a whisper as I tried to figure out why I was acting so oddly, as I drifted to sleep my mind was racing with thoughts of the place I woke up in.

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