part five

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"Bakugou, don't! You'll destroy the entire apartment building!" Uraraka cried out.

Bakugous screamed back his answer, "And so fucking what?!" His voice was full of rage, full of thick grit.

Uraraka was shaking slightly, just enough for her to notice, she hadn't done anything heroic in months. It was as if her body had forgotten because her mind was in such a bad place. It made her feel weak. It made her feel small. And she hated both of those feelings.

"There could be other people here. And you'll kill them."

"I doubt it, you yourself said it felt like we were the only two in this city." He hissed, his arms raised in front of him to fight.

Uraraka groaned, "Obviously I was wrong."

And then the man charged.

Uraraka's body moved for her, she lunged toward the ground. The man and Bakugou didn't seem to notice, both were far to focused on another. Her hands moved quickly, touching the couch. And then she bolted up, running forward. The man was trying to barrel into Bakugou arms first, but he was evading with tiny little explosions to the mans face. Uraraka was surprised he wasn't blinded, but then again he very well could be. She kept moving, and then she was upon him. Her hand reached out, wrapping around his neck.

"GET TO THE COUCH!" She screamed at Bakugou, his red eyes met hers in confusion.

Her other hand, carefully around his wrist- right bellow those spikes.

That venom, that oozing green puss, was moments away from touching her.

"Now!" She screamed, not looking up to see him move.

"I will not be weak!" She screamed.

She slammed him down with all the force inside of her, all of the strength she had left.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" She heard Bakugou yell.
But she did not look. She did not look and gritted her teeth.

"I will be strong!" Uraraka bellowed.

And then the liquid met her fingers, only slightly. But it was enough. Dear god it was enough. She screamed out in agony, jerking her hand away.

But she set her eyes, swallowed back her screams of pain.

"Because I have someone to protect now!" The man was turning now, his movements much slower. Uraraka rolled away, bringing her hands close together. He was beginning to move now, his disorientation leaving him.

Uraraka's eyes met his. His hands were on the floating couch only a foot away from the man. His eyes were wide, something like shock and horror on his face.

"Now Bakugou!" She screamed.

Bakugou pushed, with all of his might.

And then she touched her fingers together.

The large couch, no longer floating in zero gravity, burst into the man- the full force of it slamming into his face.

Uraraka did not wait to see if he was conscious before she was up, and neither did Bakugou as he hauled her out of the room.

Bakugou gripped her wrist tightly, leading them toward the stairs, but just as he opened the door Uraraka stopped. "Wait!"

She jerked her arm away.

"We need to leave this building before that crazy porcupine mother fucker wakes up from a couch to the face." Bakugou hissed.

"We need food Bakugou, there aren't any other places like this that may have what we need." She was out of breath suddenly, she leaned against the wall.

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