Chapter 22

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(Y/n)'s pov
We sat at the kitchen table a little quiet. There was a knock knock the door. "I'll get it." Midnight stood up and opened the door. Detective Tsukauchi walked in with small smile and wave combo. "Ah, Tsukauchi glad you could make it." Tori smiled. I stood up and shook his hand. "Good to see you again (y/n)," "Like wise." I tried my best fake smile. "We let you have fun for today, and I'm sorry but we need all the information in what happened." Allmight explained. "I understand." My voic "When ever youre ready (y/n)," I nodded at midnight. I took a deep breath. "So um, Visionary trapped with a illusion of my... my parents. And I hand to use my siren powers to put him to sleep. That's basically what happened." Tsukauchi nodded. My head kept focusing on the clock. The ticks and tocks building up with my aniexty "I'm very sorry to hear that." Tick "it's alright." Tock. I gave my best fake smile. Tick "Did he say anything that stands out to you?" I shook my head no. Tock. The adults started to talk. I did my best to zone out, not wanting to hear nothing.  "We have him in custody. Weird guy... Anyhow, please know that you are completely safe and we thank you for your cooperation. I'll have Allmight ask you some questions tommorow. I'm sure it's been a long day." The detectives words were kind and heart felt. I stood up and bowed, "Thank you for all you've done detective." He stood up as well bowing after me. "Thank you for capturing him. " we all said our goodbyes midnight hugging a little tighter than what I'm used to. "Uncle Tori, may I just get some air?" "That's alright (y/n) I need some as well."  I nodded "I'll just change into something more comfortable. He nodded and walked out the door. I quickly changed in a black hoodie and (What ever pants you find most comfortable.) Walking into uncle Tori's room I dug up the picture if my parents with they're friend. Those golden eyes... I shoved the picture in my pocket and walked out. swiftly locking the door and using my wind and lighting to show up at my location in 3 seconds. I walked in the bar with my hood up I fiddled with my locket. I saw a booth where he was i quickly hid my locket in my hoodie and slid in the booth. "Alright, spill," my tone was cold I didn't want to have to deal with this bullshit. "Aw so quick, at least let me buy you a drink." of course he was teasing. "Evans I don't have time to deal with you, you know the drill don't you?" I rested my head in my hand. "Yeah yeah, get back in the cell before they realize I'm gone." He sighed. "Don't go ruining my plan now. You'll pay the price." I grinned letting the fire in my hand crackle and pop. He gulped. "Yeah just get on with it."
I pulled out the picture from my pocket and placed it on the table. "Are you the boy with golden eyes in the picture?" I asked eyeing his expression. He cocked a small smile. He looked nastolgic and regretful. "No, he was my brother." He looked up at me and back down to the picture. "Your parents were so nice, it really is a shame..." He glanced away. "Why have I never seen him? Why don't I know him?" I leaned in closer. "Ah well.. You want the truth?" His smug smirked and cocked brow boiled anger in me. "Yes." I gave him a smirk back. "The ugly, ugly truth." I leaned back. "My brother was in love with your mother he was obsessed over her, and since she fell in love with your father, he grew insane. He has always hated when he couldn't get what he want. So when he learned they had a child..." He got quieter. "He killed them." I sighed. "And you tried to kill me because?"
"He was going to kill my family if I didn't. I have a husband (y/n) my daughters mean everything to me. I'm sorry I stabbed you,  I'm sorry my brother is insane." I gave a smile. "How old?" He looked confused. " How old are your daughters?" His face changed to a relaxed smile "10 and 6" I chuckled "Thank you for stabbing me, for they're sake. I'll make sure Allmight let's you free and safe with your family." I sent him a wink. "Your going to tell them?" I shook my head no. "You are, You're going to tell them that someone I dont care who you say, forced you to do this." He nodded. "I will say knowing your mother she was so strong, your siren skills aren't compared to hers but, still strong. But you remind me more of your father." I smiled, "Thanks, and how so?" "He was as much of a ass like you." I laughed. "Could, tell me more about them?" he cocked a brow. "Why? HAs no one ever told you?" I shook my head in disappointment. "Well, I was two years above them so I can only tell you what I know from my brother and what the school knew. You're father was apparently a class clown. While you're mother was the top student. She was super quiet when we hung out and you're father was loud like me. I didn't really hang out with them much." I nodded. "Actually you're parents were kinda like James and lily potter...wait they even die-" I cut him off. "Yup time for you to go back. He laughed and apologized. We both got out of the bar and I made sure he snuck back into his cell. I thanked the guard who happened to know Allmight and was chill with letting me ask questions. I walked home with wind swaying my hair around. The night was nice, though I couldn't see the stars do to light pollution it was still beautiful. So my parents...they I don't wanna think about that right now. Unlocking the door the walked to my room and threw myself in the bed. I stared at the ceiling. Why didn't uncle Tori tell me? I was always told that that nothing was known about my parents death. That it was random. But he knew didn't he. I took out my phone and scrolled through the police report I dug up. I sighed. I then got a email from U.A. shit I have school tomorrow.
"Good morning young (y/n)! It is time to go!" I opened my eyes and did my best to roll out of bed. "Morning..." I did my morning routine and left saying goodbye to Allmight. I skipped my way to Izuku's house and knocked on the door. "Good morning Ink- oof," Inko hugged me tight. "Thank god you're okay!" She squeezed my cheeks. "I'm alright I promise," I gave her my best smile. "O-oh hi (y/n)!" I smiled at Izuku. We had a tight hug. Izuku checked his phone. "E-eh! We need to go!" He grabbed my mad and we started to run. I waved goodbye to Inko. We made our way too the bridge. "It's been a while," He smiled. "I'm glad you're okay (y/n), The entire class was worried about you!" I patted his head. "Thank god for 1A."
I sat down in my seat.. Momo turned around. "Good morning (y/n)!" Her sweet smile was lovely. "Good Morin," I was happy at the fact no one interrupted. I felt a cold hand pat my head. I looked up and smiled at Shoto. "Morning love," I heard Tooru scream in the background. Before anything we could do or say anything else Aizawa slammed open the door. "That's the bell. Be seated," those who were standing quickly scrambled in there seats. "Morning, about your finals exams. Sadly dome have failed. You all know now everyone goes but, those who failed will have special classes." I glanced over to those who failed. They all looked defeated. "What ever the case, it's nice that everyone gets to go." Ojiro's optimistic voice chimed in. I nodded at him. Aizawa handed Iida the packing list for him to pass to the class. "The packing list is huge!" Deku sighed. Iida started mumbling the things he didn't have. "An entire week of training camp!"
"There's a ton of stuff I have to buy..." Denki scratched his head. "Good thing we're shopping together!" Tooru I guess smiled? "This afternoon everyone!" Mina jumped put of her seat excitedly.

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