Chapter 1

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I get home from school, finding a box with my name written on it. When I went to school, Billie wasn't there. I dismissed it. figured that she was sick or something.

I open the box, seeing a note and a record of songs. I was genuinely confused at this point.

I take the note, instantly noticing that it was from Billie from her handwriting.

Dear Aiden,
You are probably confused as to why there is a box that has your name on it. Let me explai-

I got interrupted by my mom calling me and my sister, Jessie for dinner.

"Be right there!" I answer back. I hesitantly put the note back into the box and putting the box under my bed, going downstairs to eat.

"Hey, Aiden." I heard my mom say from across from me as I look up at her.

"I saw the box and figured you wouldn't appreciate it if I opened it so I just put it in your room." She said.

"Thanks." I answered with a smile. It didn't reach my eyes. I wasn't able to form a full sentence as curiosity started developing inside me.

"Whats inside it?" Jessie asked me.

"I uh." I started, torn between telling them or lie. I chose to not tell.

"I don't know." I answer her. In a way I wasn't really lying as I really didnt know what the songs were or what they were about. Neither did I continue reading the note.

. . .

After dinner I rushed back upstairs, curiosity taking a toll on me.

When I opened the box an overwhelming feeling of fear washed over me as I shut my door and locked it. I continued reading from where I stopped.

Let me explain. These songs are the last thing left of me. I wrote them for you. a way to say.. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not being the ideal 'girlfriend' you wanted. By the time you get this letter and this box, it would me too late. i killed myself. 

My whole body froze. 

My head starting to throb as it tried to find any way that this is not true. It can't be. It's not true.

After a few minutes of... trying to reassure myself that this was fake, I continued reading, feeling an unexpected tear roll down my eye.

And no, I'm not going to change my mind. It's complicated. If you're still confused, listen to the songs and you'll understand. I just want to let you know that I love you and I'll miss you so much. I'm sorry. Goodbye.

Love, Billie

I throw the letter on the floor, taking shaky breathes.

I wipe my eyes as I sit on my bed, still not able to process what I just read.

I suddenly felt the urge to punch the wall and scream, feeling a type of guilt, like i'm the reason she did it. 

 So I got up and punched the wall beside my bedroom door. Over. And over. In a way it made me feel a bit more relaxed but not enough.

I ran to my bed, shoving my face to my pillow and screaming from the top of my lungs, letting more tears roll down my eyes.

Thats when I hear my door knock as I hear Jessie's concerned voice.

"Aiden? Is everything okay in there?" She asked.


"LEAVE ME ALONE JESSIE! JESUS CHRIST!" I screamed, hearing her barely audible footsteps retreating from my room like I was some animal.

The tears only started getting worse, reminding me of the reality of the situation.

"Why is this happening to me?" I said, my voice low and shaky.

"AIDEN? AIDEN WHATS WRONG?" I heard my mother's concerned tone as she tried opening the door.

"Mom. Please. Just- just leave me alone. Please." I said, tears still rolling down my eyes. I guess she heard the desperation in my voice to go.

I rubbed my hands on face, walking back to my bed, and fell into a sleep that I wished would never end.
Thats chapter 1. Hope y'all liked it!

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