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Walking out of the shower, I sauntered inside my walk-in closet and I'll admit, it was enormous. Rows and rows of clothes, shoes and purses encaged me and these were my pride and joy. If I had to pick my safe place, it'd be my wardrobe or the gym we had downstairs. I couldn't decide between the two. Examining my clothes, I decided I wanted to go with formal seeing as the Bellucci's restaurant was indeed five star with the best of service, that I won't lie. Picking out a satin material white dress that exposed my cleavage that was floor-length, I walked towards my mirror and nodded in approval, especially when it hugged my curves in the right places. I took out a pair of beige stilettos and a beige coat and slipped them both on in just a matter of minutes.

I sat at my vanity and straightened my dirty blonde hair, tucking the front parts behind my ear before applying light makeup. I bit my lip and sighed when I knew that finding the love of my life wasn't an option for me anymore. Unless...he did open relationships. I crinkled my nose at the thought.

"Mia, it's 7:15!" I heard my mother shout from downstairs.

With a groan, I walked out of my closet, grabbing a white purse on the way out as I descended the spiral staircase. Meeting the woman at the staircase dressed in silk pyjamas, her brunette hair tied in a bun and her brown eyes smiled in amazement. I kissed both of her cheeks with a forced smile.

"You look amazing, Mia," my mother sighed dreamily. "He'd be a fool if he doesn't like you."

I rolled my eyes. "It's arranged, mother. He'll have to marry me whether he likes me or not."

My mother giggled. "I'm sorry that this had to be done, amore. I wish things could be different but you have to know how much your father and I love you. We don't want you to die the moment you step up and he steps down."

I nodded in understanding. "I know, mother. I have to get going if I want to be early."

My mother nodded, caressing my cheek with her thumb before kissing my cheeks again. "Go get 'em, tiger."

Getting there was no problem because the men that my father had assigned me with took the fastest way possible. They had scouted the place first before allowing me inside which I was relieved seeing there were no paparazzi, even though I looked amazing tonight.

"Have you booked a reservation, ma'am?" the waitress at the front asked, her eyes eyeing the two bulky men standing behind me as they scanned the restaurant.

I glanced at the time on the wall. 7:29pm. "I'm here to meet Noah Bellucci."

The waitress nodded before asking me to follow her as she led me past a few tables. She led me to a booth right next to the window as she nodded her head in acknowledgement before scurrying away. I cleared my throat and slipped into the seat, adjusting myself to it before glancing up at my fiancé and I almost choked on my saliva.

The male sitting in front of me wasn't bulky but he was fit and had enough muscles for his sleek all black suit to define. His raven black hair was dishevelled in a sexy kind-of way, leaving his honey-brown eyes to glimmer in the dim light. His high cheekbones were prominent as I trailed down to his pink plump lips which were significantly defined more with his sharp jawline. The only non-attractive thing about him was that he had a frown. Never mind, that was attractive too.

I have heard of Noah Bellucci before and he had been an important businessman to the world with chained companies all over the world. He was filthy rich as a multi-billionaire and as an underground Mafia boss but he was defined as notorious and cruel that most of the families won't even mess a deal up with him.

I cleared my throat. "You must be Noah Bellucci."

He slightly nodded. "Astoria Moretti." His voice was soft and melodic and yet, it was the kind of soft that if he spoke out to the thundering waves, they would instantly cease.

My name rolled of his lips naturally and I almost dropped to my knees. I looked up at the two men and shooed them away as Noah deepened his frown on me. I managed a smile. "So, you're going to become my husband. How do you feel?"

Noah shrugged. "For the business, it'll be good."

I nodded. "Of course."

Noah breathed a sigh. "And yet, this isn't what you wanted?"

I raised a brow. "I'm sure this wasn't what you wanted as well. You have to give up finding the love of your life for the better of your business and you know...the other business."

Noah didn't say a word.

The waitress from earlier approached our table, a notepad in hand. "What can I get for you, tonight?"

"Can I have a glass of champagne?" I asked and in my peripheral vision, I could see Noah's intent state. "And uh, I guess I'll just have the chef's special."

The waitress glanced at Noah expectantly. "I'll have the same."

She nodded before scurrying away, mumbling under her breath.

"Shall we get to know each other?" I questioned as I folded my hands on the table.

Instead of answering me, Noah took out his phone and began tapping away and I immediately felt frustrated. I was forced to do this and he could've had the decency to keep me company for the night. I was about to reach for his phone when I felt myself freeze when I glanced down at my chest where my heart skipped a beat. I suddenly knew why we were seated next to a glass that acted as a wall but I couldn't blame him, the skyscrapers were stunning during the night.

A red dot was projected on my skin.

Noah glanced up, a cold smirk playing on his lips as he tucked his phone away while I had frozen in place. "That's just for precautions."

I frowned and a moment later, a smile snaked onto my lips as I slowly leaned back in my chair. I smirked when a red dot was planted on his chest, smack down in the middle of his heart as I held a hand out to the two men who had eyes on me.

Noah glanced down then up at me, impressed. "You came prepared."

I laughed humourlessly. I had gone down to one of the houses my father owned and demanded I had protection tonight because I couldn't trust Noah Bellucci and the men had agreed within a split second. "As did you."

Noah sat up straighter this time as if interested. "That's a first. If you call yours off, I'll call off mine."

I nodded as I watched him lift his hand that was closest to the window and crossed his index and middle finger as if making a promise that he was going to break. The red dot immediately disappeared from my chest as I lifted my own hand and held out a pinky, knowing full well that it was a command to stand down. The red dot on Noah's chest disappeared.

We kept silent when the waitress settled our plates and champagne down before excusing herself once again. My eyes never left Noah as he lifted his champagne glass.

"To my new fiancé-" Noah toasted, holding up his glass in the air. "-who's smart enough to bring her own sniper."

I couldn't help but chuckle and lifted my own glass and clinked it together. "I was taught by the best."

Noah waves his index finger in the air after sipping on the glass, amusement dancing in his brown eyes. "No, princess, I'm going to be your mentor now."

I crinkled my nose at the nickname he had given me. "We'll see."

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