t w e n t y - f o u r

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As Noah and Fran concocted a plan to convince Javier to talk with Fran, I was left to sit on the chair away from the men and allowed myself to wrap my head around the fact that Fran was involved with a gang member and I hadn't known. I was pretty sure Fran hadn't known or still didn't know that Javier was part of a gang when he had a fling with him. I glanced beside me at the two men who were talking to each other with flying hand gestures and smiled as I got up from the seat and walked to the kitchen where a pantry had been left open.

Frowning at a small folded piece of paper situated on the top shelf, I took it into my hands before looking around suspiciously then slowly unfolded it. My jaw dropped as my head immediately ducked from the window mere seconds before the sound of glass bottles shattering echoed inside the house.

"Noah!" I screamed, my heart palpating against my chest as I crawled out of the kitchen, wincing when the sharp edges of the shattered glass crawled inside the palm of my hands.

The sounds of guns shooting illicited a spark of fear inside me as the sound of heavy footsteps rushed over towards me, Noah's expression contorting into one of confusion and fear. Noah's arms wrapped around me as he shouted incoherent words to Fran who was already hauling himself outside of the house.

Fran was hiding behind a bush, close to the driveway as Noah quickly handed me to Fran before running into the trees. I blinked in confusion, when wondering where on Earth he was going heading towards as Fran held me tightly.

"Why are there people shooting at my house?" Fran whispered to me, his blue eyes darting around our surroundings.

"I'll explain later," I answered quietly as I clenched my jaw at the pain when I was picking out the shattered glass out my palms.

"When did you get hurt?" Fran asked again, bewildered as he stared at my shaky hands, blood trickling down.

The sound of a loud Lamborghini honking its horns pulled up to the driveway as my eyes lit up in relief. Fran helped me up as he quickly helped me inside the passenger's seat before getting into one of my men's car behind that had been guarding Fran's cottage.

I must've passed out because when I had woken up, Noah was pacing around our room with a phone attached to his ear and I was laying in our bed. He was mumbling incoherent words under his breath, eyebrows narrowed in frustration and the tensed muscles not seemingly being able to relax.

"Tori!" I heard a scream of excitement from the other side of the room echo as I flinched in surprise when Juliette came running towards me, arms wide with a relieved smile.

I smiled at her as she leaned in and gently hugged me as if I was a fragile glass not to be touched or broken.

Noah, on the other hand, whispered to Juliette as she quickly nodded before rushing out of our room and turned to faced me with a frown. "I had my little forensics team scan the place. It belongs to Moretti's weapons."

He just cut to the case but my surprise wasn't the fact that he didn't dance around the bush but the bullets had come from my gang. How was that possible? "Where's Fran?"

Noah frowned at me as if me dodging his intel was the wrong move but I needed to make sure my brother was safe first. "He's with Javier."

I sighed, rubbing my temples as I began to make a move to stand up. Noah clicked just tongue as he carefully helped me, concern tingling in his eyes before holding me closely. "I have a barbecue to get to. I'll see what's up in there, okay? I won't leave until I get information."

Noah bit his lip nervously, concerned for my physical state at the moment. "Are you sure you want to go tonight? I can come with you."

I shook my head. "It's Moretti only."

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