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Just before the story starts, i want to inform that five and y/n are 15 and five didn't go to the future.

So I'm sitting there, looking at him. He looked so gorgeous, i don't get why people don't want to be friends with him, yeah i mean i guess he's kinda weird, but that doesn't mean that everybody else isn't. I would love to be friends or something more with him it's just scary. I've never really been comfortable talking with people i don't know.

He turns around looking back at me. His lips curving into a smirk. He winked and turned back around paying 'attention' to the class. I blushed and continued writing down everything in to my notebook.

The bell rings and everybody gets up to pack their bags and leave. I hurried up and got out if the class first and walked over to science class. I sat down in my seat waiting for the bell to ring.

The bell rang and the teacher started the lesson.

"Alright everyone you will be doing projects that you're probably gonna have to finish after school."

"shit" I said under my breath as Five heard and shook his head.

"Okay i will now say the pairs. Lily and James, Jace and Eva, Alexa and Henry,Jason and Mary, Max and Sophie, Millie and Peter, and last but not least y/n and Five."

Well that's it for this chapter,if this is even called a chapter. Anyways I'll try to update as soon as possible tho. Byee.

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