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"Y/n, are you okay?" I looked to Fives side. He was sitting next to me placing his hand on my waist to comfort me.

"No, no i'm not okay."

"What happened?"

"They're out to get me."

"Who is?"


He shifted closer to me wrapping both of his hands around me. "Who is 'them'?"I looked over to him my tears starting to go away.

" I can't tell you. "


" It's okay. I get it. "He looked over to me with sadness in his eyes." What are you gonna do now?"

"What do you mean?" I looked at his greenish-blue eyes with confusion. "I mean are you going back to sleep or something?"I shrugged my shoulders." I don't know,i don't think i can fall asleep,well maybe if you'd cuddle me then i guess i would. "I said, whispering the last part to myself.

" Okay, then i could do that. "" Do what?"He glanced at my lips for a second before answering." Cuddle you, you said it would help. ""I-uhm i didn't mean to say it that loud that'd you'd hear it."He only chuckled to my response,laying down ad patting the space next to him.

I laid down and grabbed the covers pulling them over myself. I felt his hands travel to my waist and him getting closer to me. His hands were soft and warm, so it was cozy for me.

I felt myself slowly going to sleep. I closed my eyes and thought about the good things.

All of the sudden my phone starts beeping as i quickly reach over and turn off the alarm. It was 7 in the morning and i got up. I looked over to the bed still seeing a sleeping Five.

I lean over and wake him up. His nose scrunched up while looking to my face. "I'm sorry i woke you up so early i just didn't want you to be late." He sits back and sends me a soft smile.."It's okay, you don't need to apologise."

"I'm gonna take a shower if that's ok with you." I said.

"Yeah, yeah that's fine,just don't take too long since I need to shower too." he crosses his arms and sent a smile my way.

"If you want you can go first-"I started saying, but he cut me off."No it's ok. Lady's first." He smirked while I blushed.

"Oh-um sure." I went to the door in his room and opened it. It was a nice bathroom. I locked the door just in case and undressed.I tied my hair in a bun so that it wouldn't get wet. Once I was fully naked I stepped in and turned on the water on.

I finished up and got out. I dressed up in the same clothes that I wore yesterday. I unlock the door and step out. Five was standing next to the door,like right next to it.

"Jezus you scared me!" I exclaimed while letting out a laugh. "Sorry, i just wanted to wait here." He went inside and locked the door and finished what he had to do.

In that time I was waiting for him on his bed. He got out and we went downstairs to eat breakfast. He made a weird combination of a sandwich, I think it was peanut butter and marshmellows. He gave one to me and I took a bite. Surprisingly it was really good.

"Wow, this is good." He continued eating his sandwich as he answered "I know right." He grabbed my hand and we appeared in front of school.

"You gotta teach me how to do that." He chuckled as he was walking inside the building. "Believe me, it's not that easy."

"You make it look easy." We walked up to my locker while he waited. "Well it's not."

I got my stuff and we walked over to his locker. He got his books mad we started walking to 1st period.

"what's your 1st period?" He asked. "It's english." His face lit up. "No way", mine is too. "He looked over with his cheaky smile.

" Well I guess we should be English buddies. " I offered and he looked at me while wiggling his eyebrows." Would love too. "

I'm such a bad person I'm so sorry, I tried to post as soon as possible, but guess who's a lazy bitch.

𝕨𝕖𝕚𝕣𝕕 𝕜𝕚𝕕/number 5Where stories live. Discover now