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" Well, I guess I need a bed to sleep in. "He slowly got up and pointed to his bed with his fingers, I didn't even notice that he was wearing pajamas, but he did, in fact, wear them." There. " He flashed another one of his sarcastic smiles." But where are you gonna sleep? "He pointed to the other side of his bed and that's when I noticed that we are going to have to sleep together.


"Y-you want me to sleep in the same bed as you?" I questioned, hoping he was gonna say 'sike' or something like that. He only smiled, AGAIN."I mean why not? I'm sure none of us wants to sleep on the floor."

"Well, of course, I don't, but wouldn't that be weird, you know sharing a bed?" He rolled his eyes and looked at me. "It's not like we're doing something in it" He smirked. "I mean if you want to we can-"I quickly cut him off." Ew no, i stand with Jesus you dirty bastard. "He laughed." I'm not joking, Five" "I know, i know that was just funny."i looked at his blueish-green eyes that were already looking at me." Thanks. "

" Well i guess we should be going to sleep."He offered retrieving a nod from me.

I layed down on the left side of his bed, pulling the covers over my small body, trying to get comfortable. I could feel his body lay down next to me, also grabbing the covers and pulling them over himself. I started getting nervous, i mean who wouldn't? I was literally laying in the same bed as number five, aka my crush.

I closed my eyes,pushing out all the thoughts out of my head. Once i did i couod feel myself drifting to sleep.


Suddenly o was stood in the middle of the forest. I looked around but there was only darkness and big, tall trees. I ran somewhere, any direction, but it all seemed to be the same, the same forrest, the same darkness, the same spot.

I then noticed a tall and dark figure coming out of the right side of the forest. He looked about 6.10 feet, so like very tall. He had dark hair covering most of his face except for his lips and nose. He opened his mouth and started screaming in my face.I couldn't make out the words he was saying, but it was something like 'they don't love you' and 'just get a rope and hang yourself'.

I didn't even notice but there were tears streaming down my cheeks. I choked on my sobs as the man leaned down to my height and pushed me down to what looked like hell.

Everybody was screaming. I couldn't see the faces of the people, but they were clearly screaming in terror. I walked around, the now dried up tears on my face starting to fade as new came.

Suddenly i was in Fives bed again. I was sitting down and breathing very heavily. I looked over to Five, but couldn't see his face cause of the dark,but one thing i knew was that he was definitely asleep.

I started crying, the tears soaking into my soft skin. Why does this happen? What do they want from me? Maybe if i ask Five for help they'll stop? No they won't, they will stop when I'm dead, that's it i just have to kill myself and it's all over.

"Y/n, are you okay?" I looked to Fives side. He was sitting next to me placing his hand on my waist to comfort me.

"No, no i'm not okay."

"What happened?"

"They're out to get me."

"Who is?"


He shifted closer to me wrapping both of his hands around me. "Who is 'them'?"I looked over to him my tears starting to go away.

" I can't tell you. "

Welp that's it, the third chapter
Ik i said i was gonna make i this super long but its like 650+ words so i guess that's enough?
Anyways ilylylyly byeee

𝕨𝕖𝕚𝕣𝕕 𝕜𝕚𝕕/number 5Where stories live. Discover now