[4] Applefur

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Applefur stared through a gap between two tree roots, she could see bushes and the two warriors guarding them

"Fox!" Dovewing screeched hurling herself on top of Whitetail whos suprised shriek was cut off as she thumped against the soil. "Run!"

"Go! Go!" Ivypool yelled shoving a RiverClan cat ahead of her with her shoulder.

Cats poured out the den like rabbits from a warren. WindClan cats at the front. Applefur huffed for air as she caught up with Ivypool. The ShadowClan warrior's mottled chestnut fur bristled in fear and perhaps in excitment and the thrill of escaping. Tearing through bushes and grass as the air was loud with screeches of cats and crows squaking as they launched themselves into the sky.

The escapees streaked towards the log-bridge but multiple pelts blocked their way including Dawnpelt who glared at them with narrowed eyes, fury burned in their green depths. Tigerheart suddenly halted causing Applefur to crash into him.

"I'm sorry Dawnpelt." Tigerheart threw himself at his sister, knocking her off the log.

Dovewing screeched in horror as the two littermates plummeted into the lake with a loud splash and a thick spray of water.

"Get moving Dovewing!" Ivypool snapped. "He'll be alright."

"He can't swim!" The grey she-cat cried staring down at the dark, sloshing water. There was no hint of the two cats

As if on command Applefur saw Icewing dive into the lake.

Finally Dovewing started to move. All of the warriors crossed the bridge and the WindClan cats dashed ahead once their pads touched their beloved moor.

The other cats struggled to catch up with the lean felines but Harespring swerved towards the shore. His warriors slowing down.

"We'll rest here for a few minuites." Harespring ordered. "Who's missing?"

The felines looked around.

"Sunstrike and Mousewhisker were taken away." Furzepelt mewed.

"Icewing and Tigerheart are in the lake." Minnowtail added.

"Dovewing's gone!" Ivypool yelled in shock, her blue eyes searching for the grey molly.

Applefur saw shapes moving across the moor out the corner of her eye.

Six. Too many to be Icewing, Dovewing and Tigerheart.

"We need to get moving." Applefur broke into a brisk walk. "There's cats coming."

"What about the others?" Birchfall protested.

"I don't want to be murdered." Applefur said defiantly. "Anyone coming with me?"

All the cats nodded hesitantly. Birchfall gave the gathering island and then the final long look before mumbling. "Alright. Let's leave."

"Where should we go?" Whiskernose, a pale brown tom asked.

"I remember Willowshine saying that there's a path up to the moonpool, and beyond it is a moor." Minnowtail piped up.

"I can lead us there." Breezepelt spoke up. "I know where it is."

"Breezepelt! You must be mistaken!" Harespring stared at the black tom. "You're not a medicine cat! How in StarClan have you been to the Moonpool?"

"It's... complicated." The lean tom flicked his long tail. "Come on."


Applefur flopped onto her side onto the cool grass.

More cats slumped beside her but Breezepelt, Ivypool and others remained on their paws.

"We need to keep moving!" Thornclaw snapped clawing up tufts of grass.

"We've walked for ages!" Furzepelt protested as she flicked her tail towards the full moon and inky black sky. "And it's night!"

"Our clans might come after us!" The golden tom growled.

"I doubt it Thornclaw." Blossomfall sat down, flicking her white ear dismissively. "They won't waste their time hunting us down. And there's a gathering."

"And if they do come we've got Harespring and Birchfall on guard." Larkwing pointed out.

Thornclaw relaxed a little. "What about hunting?"

"We can hunt in the morning." Applefur replied, curling up to muffle sounds of the ThunderClan warrior's complaints and Ratscar's snores.

"I hear Harespring talking." Larking suddenly perked up, ears twitching. "And pawsteps."

Applefur got to her feet, unsheathing her claws that gleamed in the moonlight as the sharp scent of blood hit her nose. She edged further towards the source of the noise.

"Icewing! You made it!"

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