Chapter Fifteen

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            Dre stares at me in shock and then burst into a fit of laughter.

            “What the hell Andrea?” I complain, “You’re supposed to give me advice or something! Not laugh! This isn’t funny! He’s a fucking psycho!”

            She calms down and breathes through her remaining laughter, “I’m sorry D-Rose but you’ve got to admit it is a pretty hilarious scenario.”

            I look at her with my eyebrow raised. “The humility is astounding,” I reply sarcastically.

            “Fine, fine,” she groans and sits up on the bed, “Give me your hands and close your eyes.”

            I look at her strangely but do as she says.

            “Good,” she says, “Now I want you to relax and think about this rationally.”

            I start to yell at her about the nonexistence of rationality in this situation but before I can I feel a calm sensation wash over me. It’s light like morning dew but heavy enough to suppress the anxiety I felt about everything.

            “Now, do you believe him?” she asks and I start to tell her no but she interrupts, “Even on the smallest level?”

            I stop to reassess. Sure I believed him before, but he hadn’t bitten my god damned neck then! I want to trust that the small part of me that believed doesn’t exist anymore but to my surprise it hasn’t disappeared at all, instead it’s gotten bigger.

            “Y-yes,” I answer uncertainly.

            “Why?” she asks.

            I think about my answer before I respond. Why do I believe him? Maybe it’s because he seemed so sincere in what he said. Maybe it’s because even when he bit me, I felt pleasure, joy, elation even, like everything is finally as it should be. Under the umbrella of knowledge I have of the human body I know that him biting enough to break the skin shouldn’t have caused me a jolt of euphoria. Even if I was turned on by intense biting I would have felt some inkling of pain. The second his teeth connected with my neck everything he said to me made sense. I threw him out simply because for the first time I couldn’t make sense of the thoughts in my own mind. I wasn’t afraid of him, I was afraid of myself.

            “And you have no reason to be,” Dre says answering my thought.

            Wait a second. My eyes spring open and she looks at me with a knowing smile. There’s no way. Did she just read my mind?

            “Yeah I did.”

            I squeal and drop her hands, scooting back to the head of the bed. “What the fuck? Am I surrounded by freaks?”

            She rolls her eyes, “Rude. Especially considering you are one.”

            I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out. My brain is going a mile a minute with questions and I can’t figure out which to ask first. Has she always been able to read my mind? Can she hear me right now? Does she hear me all of the time? What is she? Do I even know her at all?  

            “Yes, yes, no, a witch, and yes, of course you know me. We’ve been best friends for years Dylan and this is literally one of the only things I’ve ever kept from you,” she answers calmly.

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