Chapter Eighteen

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Finally I'm able to leave that damned house. Since it's a Sunday and Dean's been putting off doing his Alpha duties- whatever that means - he's left me in the somewhat capable hands of Dre for the day. There are only a few days until Christmas and neither of us have done our shopping but can you blame us? It's not every month you turn into a werewolf for the first time.

We've been at the mall half of the day and it's packed to the brim with people. There isn't a place you can move without stepping on or nearly stepping on someone. Apparently we aren't the only late shoppers. The first half of our day was spent relaxing at the spa. Swedish massages, facials, manicures and pedicures, the works. I ended up getting the same mani and pedi I always do, black polish on my toes and all black acrylic on my fingers. Dre went for a rainbow of colors, none of them matching but somehow all going together. The transition from this morning to now is like going from a coy pond to a shark tank.

"What are you getting White Chocolate?" she asks, smacking my hand from the orange sweater I was about to pick up.

I roll my eyes, "I don't know yet."

Quiet as it's kept I'm pissed at him about last night. He had me so close to coming and for what? His amusement? Jerk. But it taught me to be more observant because I have to get him back. There's no way I can't.

"I know what you can give him," she drawls seductively.

I burst into giggles when I see the lacy outfit she's holding up.

"What?" she asks, brow furrowed, shaking the see through material in the air, "This is the best gift you can give him. The boy's been waiting long enough and you are his mate, it's about time you let him see the cakes girlfriend."

Rolling my eyes I snatch the scraps of material from her hand and hang it back up on the rack, hoping it'll get some of the eyes in the store off of us. Dre never knows when she's making a scene. Well, either she doesn't know or she doesn't care but either way it makes for embarrassing times for me. I've gotten very good at my awkward apologetic smile while I usher her out the door.

"Would you stop pushing? I'm walking just fine on my own," she grunts, straightening out her purple chiffon top.

I'm about to reply when something catches my eye, causing me to walk ahead of her and straight into my destination, Hot Topic. It doesn't take me long before I find exactly what I'm looking for and head to the counter.

Dre is waiting outside when I come out, she hates the look of the store, says it's too creepy for her.

"What'd you get?"

"You'll see," I smile secretively.


"Did you have a good time hanging out?" Dean asks before kissing my temple and wrapping me in a hug, his hands dangerously close to my ass.

I nod instead of answer, not trusting my voice to not sound as wanton as the slight action made me.

"I can feel it too," he whispers into my ear.

I blink my eyes open, focusing in on his smirk as he pulls away from me.

"So what'd you get?"

I'm able to grasp some willpower then and snatch my bags away from his prying eyes, "You'll see on Christmas. How are we doing that by the way?"

He sits on the couch and pats the seat beside him, "We can do it any way you want. I didn't know if you were talking to your mom again and to tell you the truth I've been hoping you'd bring it up first."

Awake | Book 1 of the AWAKE Series | (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now