forty: relief and reveal

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The next day, I arrive at school with a dress and loose, curled hair. My skin glows and a smile never leaves my lips, and I seem to bounce with every step I take. I'm not even that tired.

Peter even seems happier - the first thing I see at my locker is him and his big, wide goofy grin. We laugh endlessly before the bell rings, and school seems to go by smoothly for once.

Lunch arrives quickly and the entire time is spent laughing alongside with MJ, Peter, and Ned. Of course, MJ finds it rather odd that I'm in such a good mood. I roll my eyes at her comments and grab a few of her animal crackers with a chuckle.

When the bell rings, I leave school with a smile that remains on my lips all day. I walk home alone, just me and my music blasting through my headphones.

I step up to my apartment door and unlock the handle, knowing Lucas isn't home just yet. I immediately retreat to my room and wiggle my way into my suit before leaving the place without a word.

With a loud cheer I swing down into the street backing up my apartment, swinging so low to the ground I nearly hit the pavement with my toes. I pick up speed, and soon I'm standing in front of the pile of rubble that was once Lance's warehouse. Yellow caution tape surrounds the used-to-be front entrance. I slide my mask off with a sigh, and smile.

"Hey you."

I flinch as the words ring out and fumble with my mask, practically ripping it back on. I turn around, and standing directly behind me is the Spider-Man himself.

"Don't worry. Just saw the back of your head." He chuckles.

"Don't scare me like that," I laugh.

"Alright. Note taken. I thought I'd find you here." The Spider-Man sighs, stepping up next to me.

"Oh, were you lookin' for me now?"

"Yeah, actually." The Spider-Man laughs softly, and I join in.

"Today was, like, the best day ever. I'm so, I don't know...relieved, you know?" I murmur, sitting myself down onto the pavement. I cross my legs with a soft sigh.

"Uhm, same. I'm...really proud of us." The Spider-Man mumbles in response, standing still and staring at the rubble.

"Yeah, well, next time...if there ever is a next time, because I hope nothing else of that sort is thrown our way...we can't let it drag out that long."

"Yeah, no, of course, I agree. Took way too long to finally take him down. Way, way too many people died." He turns and looks at me before sitting himself down on the pavement. It grows quiet for a moment before either one of us speaks up.

"So, uh, we're mutants, huh?" The Spider-Man speaks.

"Yeah, looks like it." I chuckle.

"Kind of weird. The word mutant."

"Almost dehumanizing, don't you think?" I ask, tilting my head.

"Yeah. I mean, to be fair, we aren't exactly...human. I don't think."

"That list of those names - you know the one Lance made?" I ask, scratching the back of my neck.


"What if they're bad people? What if, you know, what if they come, too? And terrorize the city, just like Lance did?" I ask worriedly. The Spider-Man grows quiet and doesn't reply.

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