Online Dating

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I'm telling you this now. In this fanfic, NO ONE HAS A PARTNER YET, AIGHT?

Today's the last day of college before I become a full-on software and robotics engineer with a side job of youtube(If you don't have a youtube channel, YA DO NOW). And being the smartest kid in class does have its perks, the cons are that I'm single. So like any other single person out there, I have resorted to online dating. I made an account on a dating website while reading over my bio that said I was a visual and music artist and that I was also an engineer, someone tagged me(I have absolutely no idea how online dating works)! I looked at the profile, "Mark Fischbach". Huh. Why does that name sound so familiar?  Apparently, he too was an engineer. His profile pic was 2 golden retrievers with their tags clearly visible saying "Chica" and "Henry". I wanted to learn more about this guy, so I tagged him back.  

Few minutes later he started to chat with me. (M=mark  Y=you)

m: hello

y: hi

m: so your an engineer?

y: yep

m: what kind?

y: a software and robotics, what about you?

m: a biomedical engineer, but rn im doing something else

y: and what would that be?

m: an actor

y: cool. anyways gtg ttyl

m: buh bye!

end of chat

I was kind of sad when I had to leave Mark because of my phone ringing. I picked it up and it said it was an unknown number-4461726b69706c696572(if you are a loyal theorist who is participating in the arg, you may or may not know what to do with the suspicious looking phone number;)). I held it to my ear to hear laughing. I didn't like the sound of it so I ended the call. It was midnight (idc wat time it is) so I decided to go bed.

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