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(i got this idea from ChloeShinskeShinske so...... Thank You! ;)ALSO the italics mean you're thinking. e.g. Hello.

It was noon and being the lazy person I am, I took a nap. 

in the dream

I was wandering aimlessly through the dark woods when I came across a large mansion. The gates were open, and hoping someone would help me, I walked over to the door. No one would answer the door when I knocked and there was no doorbell. I waltzed over to the nearest window to see someone who looked important walk in front of a mirror, stare at it, and watch it shatter to pieces. The figure turned around to face me and smiled ominously. He looked so familiar. Where have I seen him? He started walking towards the window that I was peeking through. "Hello y/n." What the ACTUAL FUCK?!?! Instead of just staring at him waiting for the danger to come unlike those in horror movies, I ran for my life. I ran through the dark woods again to get as far away from danger as possible when all of a sudden, some one-presumably the important looking man-was singing Animals by Maroon5. Obviously, this gave me the chills so I ran even faster, only to trip and fall fast on my face. I got up and saw a figure walking towards me. I started to pick up my pace and so did it. I bolted out of the forest. As I was passing the last tree, something grabbed me on both arms. I looked to my left, the important looking man. He had a dark tone of grey suit on, black hair falling over his left eye and his skin tone, was not at all normal. It too was grey. dafuq? And to my right, someone some one who had a sickly green skin tone, green dyed hair, pointed ears and a slit throat. Well, they're obviously not human. "No y/n. No, we're not human." The green haired man started to laugh maniacally after he said that. 

end of the dream, er, nightmare

I jolted awake not wanting to know what happens next in that nightmare. I walk back over to my computer to see that it's 3 pm and that "Felix" started to chat with me.

(you know how this chat stuff works by now)

f: what is up brosettes

y: pewdiepie?

f: uh no...

y: yeah it is, that's his intro it's just modified

f: k fine, you got me

y: it's just really cool to know another pewds fan is all!

f: you like his vids?

y: YA!

f: cool so how old are you?

y: 12 why?

f: you're joking right?

y: uh YEAH I AM! you thought I was going to tell you my actual age?

f: you're right. you're right. i gtg. see ya later?

y: k ttyl

Felix POV (you weren't expecting that hehe;)

Whew. That was close. I don't need another person to fan girl over me.

2 months later

Felix pov
It's been 2 months since I tagged y/n and I really feel like we're connecting. I should probably tell the others that I found someone.

Marks pov
I was just thinking about how close I feel to y/n when Felix's started a Skype call.

Jacks pov
I had noticed about a week ago that I started to get feelings for y/n. I was lost in thought when Felix started a group Skype call.


HELLO everybody. i will try my best to do the next chapter and have it published on monday. if not by thursday. if not you can scold me. anyways have a good one!

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