Chapter 10

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Note: This chapter is for Arya, whose threats to kill us with a paper clip (if we didn’t cough up a chapter this weekend) was very effective.

Chapter 10

Jenna felt cool lips graze her own as the blankets were pushed to the side.

She could feel his lips as he trailed soft, warm kisses on the underside of her jaw, moving down her neck and then gently grazing her clavicle.  Her skin tingled in delicious places as his lips pressed softly preceding the graze of teeth and tongue moved lower down her body and she gasped as his hands moved down her side, hooking around the underside of her knee and pulling her closer.

Scorching flames engulfed her as her mouth went dry. It was like her skin was a tad bit too small for her body. Glinting in the moonlight she saw her short red dress crumpled onto the floor beside a man’s dress shirt.

Soft whispers gently cracked the silence of the night, floating out into a dark abyss of abandonment as he wound his fingers through hers in a sign more intimate than their current stature.

“Gabe…” Jenna whispered in a fevered manner slipping her hands over his shoulders.

She then grabbed his thick copper brown strands to drag him in for another deadly kiss when Jenna’s eyes opened in shock. She was greeted by her white ceiling where shadows played from the dim streaks of light escaping through her heavy curtains. She could hear her phone alarm vibrating and buzzing out the most annoying ringtone she had, non-stop. To top it all of a rooster’s crow started jamming out of the phone speakers.

Why had she set an alarm for a weekend? 

Ugh…probably Jordan’s parting gift. However, despite the annoying commotion Jenna tried to get her breath back from that strangely erotic dream she just suffered through.

Her eyes moved to take in her surroundings; her closet and dressing table remained in their frozen positions. They moved lower to see the familiar purple carpet that spanned the entire room, a forgotten pillow thrown on the floor and finally her bed with messed up covers. Where she remained…alone and fully clothed.

She gave out a sigh in relief. Even half dazed with sexual frustration and sleep Jenna had still managed to not sleepwalk to Gabe’s room last night and do the dirty with him. That still didn’t solve the fact that her body remained thoroughly unsatisfied from last night’s events with the dream being a cherry on top. She could practically feel his warm breath against her lips as he leaned in to…no! Stop Jenna. This madness had to end now.  The guy was practically married for God’s sake and lusting after a practically married guy was definitely NOT cool. She had other ways to deal with this problem also known as sexual frustration.

With a renewed sense of determination Jenna kicked back the covers and headed towards the bedroom door. Her grand marched was halted with a dramatic ‘Oof!’ as she stubbed her toe against the bed corner. So she hobbled the rest of the way to the bathroom in the hallway all the while fugitively on the lookout for her unwelcomed, entire too welcomed houseguest.

Twenty minutes later she was back in her room, having showered and brushed her teeth, feeling completely rejuvenated and absolutely determined. Opening her wardrobe with a flourish she greeted her piles of uncoordinated clothes and jewelry with an evil smirk.

The next half an hour or maybe an hour because she had lost track of time was spent in a blur of silk, satin, cotton and plenty of dangly ornaments, some being quite ruthless, and strange hula dancing figures at the back of the closet, which she couldn’t quite place.

In a small pile she had gathered everything she had ever borrowed off Alex and Cass mainly elegant, fancy business suits or dress from Alex and scandalous shoes and outfits from Cass.

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