Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

If there was a cloud higher than nine Jenna would probably be on it.

As it was Jenna could remember few other times she had been this happy.

Her graduation ceremony,

Getting accepted at her first job interview,

Getting kissed by Gabe,

Watching movies during thunderstorms with the girls,

Her Mom’s Thanksgiving dinners,

Did she mention getting kissed by Gabe?

Jenna sighed and signed the last contract before shoving into the done pile. One week ago Gabe and Arielle had broken things off, which was the same week he’d shown up at her house and proceeded to have his way with her. Jenna didn’t know what they officially were but she had possibly never been happier.

Even at ten o’clock in the office during a weekday she was still deliriously happy every time she thought of him. After that first night they had decided by unspoken mutual consent that they would be taking things slow. The whole week Gabe and Jenna would greet each other with a morning kiss instead of terse greetings. She would go to his house for dinner or tell him to come to hers without feeling any sign of guilt. They would go out to lunch together and once he had even surprised her by sending a huge bouquet of flowers to her office.

Reyna had immediately pounced on that little tidbit, not very hard to do so when it had taken up more than half of her desk space, and proceeded to hound her for the rest of the day. Jenna for obvious reasons held off on telling her. Everybody related to Arielle and Gabe had already mostly found out that the wedding was off but what they didn’t know that Gabe was already in a relationship with her or Arielle was spending her days with Zafar.

Jenna cringed as she remembered the most awkward highlight of her week to date. It was the day that Jenna had decided to take out Cass and Alex to an apology lunch since Alex couldn’t keep her big mouth shut and had proceeded to blurt everything out to Cass in her usual exaggerated fashion.

Cass had promptly called up Jenna while Jenna had been amusing herself watching Gabe pick up and put on his shirt an hour after Alex had interrupted them.

“What the hell am I hearing? Alex told me she walked in on you and Gabe doing it on the kitchen counter? Jenna for God’s sake we EAT food over there. You guys used protection right because Alex told me that you two were going at it hot and heavy and what the hell happened to Arielle? Alex told me that Gabe finally came to his senses and broke it off and then she told me-”

Jenna sighed and cut of Cass’s rambling which was very, VERY unusual for her stoic best friend. This meant that news of her and Gabe weren’t going to be taken very lightly when it came out.

Hey Mom so listen I’m kind of dating Gabe, you remember Jordan’s tutor? That guy whom you absolutely adored? So he broke it off with his fiancée last week and like the vulture I am I came in and swooped him up.

Oh that’s nice honey.

“The day you take anything Alex says to heart is that day that I will willingly talk to the hot barista at the hospital café.” Jenna exclaimed.

She had felt the bed dip and turned to see Gabe still not wearing his t shirt with his whole glorious smooth chest on display. He was wearing an amused smirk on his face as he bent down and pressed a light kiss on her shoulder.

“So how hot is this barista exactly?” he whispered and pressed another kiss higher up her shoulder.

“What the hell? IS HE THERE NOW?”

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