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Yoongi was conflicted.

He did feel awful for what had happened. He was forced to admit to himself that, yes, he screwed up, he had been screwing up for a long time. At the ripe age of 82, he hadn't seen enough, learned enough. He hadn't experienced enough to know what to do when you happened to very clearly accidentally treat one of the people in your polyamorous relationship better than the other, nor how to fix it.

But today he'd learned a new lesson. That being, affection can't fix everything.

"For too long I expected kisses, sex, hugs, and just periodic affection to keep what was between us stable," he began, murmuring in a soft, hushed voice.

"That was stupid of me. Especially when I paraded Taehyung around in front of you. Of course it would make you feel inferior - not only did I treat him so much differently to you, but he'd been around for much longer, already seen so many things. You couldn't help but feel a step behind. I don't know how I didn't see that. I'm sorry."

Jungkook just turned into his neck and shuffled. Yoongi felt wetness against his skin.

"I shouldn't have expected things to stay fine, and I shouldn't have expected you to stay fine. I know you heard what Tae and I said, in the beginning. The conversation we exchanged before... Well... I don't know why I never talked about it. We should have. It wasn't fair of you to have heard that and wondered, all this time."

"I don't know if there's something wrong with me or what, but I never let you know you could show your worth. Never let you know, that I... I..." Yoongi swallowed. "How could we ever make it up to you?"

Jungkook had melted into his embrace, his whole body trembling, jerking with wet sobs.

"It's okay if you can't find the words," Yoongi promised in a whisper.

Jungkook mumbled something into his neck.

"What was that baby?"

He pulled back and coughed a little, before repeating. "Let me take your coat and this weight off of your shoulders," he murmured, quietly.

Yoongi couldn't recognise the words, but he could see they were important to the younger by the gleam in his (red and puffy) eyes.

"Like a force to be reckoned with... A mighty ocean or a gentle kiss... I will love you with every single thing I have. Like a tidal wave we'll make a mess, calm waters if that serves you best..."

"I will love you without any strings attached."

The two turned in surprise to see Taehyung, sitting there in front of the entrance to the spot, phone in hand.

"How did you-"

He turned the screen towards them.

"You... You have a tracker for me?" Jungkook mumbled shyly.

Yoongi watched in shock. This was news to him, too...

Was it cute or creepy?

"Have since we left you that first time," Tae admitted softly. "Couldn't leave you behind so easily, even then."

"And the song... You- you were the one who sang outside my window!"

Taehyung shot a nervous glance at Yoongi, who was terribly conflicted between glaring at him and kissing him on the mouth, there and then.

"You helped me so fucking much by fixing the way you hurt me in such small ways! You bitch!" Jungkook scrambled over to Tae and threw his arms around him, knocking him to the ground and kissing him deeply.

Neverland // TAEGIKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now