6. Hotel

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We reached a pretty big hotel a couple minutes away from the venue. It was super elegant, prettier than anything i'd ever been able to afford.
I grabbed a small suitcase, eager to get some rest.
We reached the inside, Clancy passing out everyone's room keys.

"Salem, you're in 221. Jasper and Taco 222, and Tyler and Wyatt, 223. I'll be in 224 if you guys need me. Remember we have to meet down here at 9 am."

Everyone quickly took the keys, eager to pick their beds. Thank god I had my own room.

Once I reached my room, I opened it, the guys had already ran up before me, so I was the last to enter.

I threw my suitcase on the ground, looking around. It was so nice, I didn't want to leave. There was a king sized bed, TV, snacks, everything.

I texted Reece back.

in sf. so tired babe. i'll talk to you tmrw.
-me, 10:03 pm

Then, Crystal,

we finally had like a ten second convo. omg it was awkward. i'll text u tmrw we just got to the hotel!

I ignored Stephanie. Fuck, I really didn't want to interview him yet.

Quickly, I ran the shower, getting myself ready as it began to steam.
I was able to hear the guys next door yelling and laughing. Fuck.


Once I was out of the shower, I put on my pajamas, drying my curls as I undid the bed covers, sighing in relief.

I began closing my eyes when the ceiling banged and the music thumped through the walls. I was never going to get sleep like this.

Annoyed, I got up, putting on my slippers as I opened the door, knocking hard on Tyler's room. No answer, god they really weren't able to even hear me knock.

I knocked harder this time, and on the fourth knock, Tyler answered.

"What?" He asked, looking me up and down.

"People wanna sleep, you know?"

"Aren't you supposed to be interviewing me?" He put his weight on the door panel, it made me feel intimidated. It was college all over again.

"I'm tired."

"But it's your job."

"Can you just tell everyone to shut up? Please? Fuck," I began walking away when I felt him staring.

"Ask me a question,"

I stopped in my tracks.

"What question?"

"I don't know, something you wrote down during my show."

"You noticed that?"

I remembered when he looked at me during November, the eye contact was slight, but I remembered.


I thought about it.

"It's in my room—but it's got to be quick. I'm tired."

I signaled for him to come into my room, as he did. He closed the door behind him.

"Why the fuck your room look bigger?"

I rolled my eyes, taking out my journal and pamphlet of questions.

"These weren't even supposed to be for you, so don't get excited. I wrote them for Frank—originally."

He sat on the edge of my bed as I crossed my legs a few inches away.

"That's crazy."


"You thought you'd be at Frank's tour. I didn't think I'd see you again," He grabbed the back of his neck, looking down.

"Some coincidence, huh?"

He chuckled, laying down on the bed. He put his arms under his head, supporting it.

"So, it's your first show for this tour. How did it compare to the last?" I read off the page.

I took out my phone mic, letting it record.

"Uh, I feel older. Like, I want to actually give a good show instead of going batshit crazy and throwing shit and moshpits like my last shows. This album has a different attitude, so yeah," his eyes traced the ceiling.

"Is there something you want to do different with this tour? any elements you want to add?"

"Just be more intimate," he shrugged.

I asked two more nonchalant questions before I began yawning.

"We could do this tomorrow," Tyler began to get up. He'd noticed.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, get some rest. Same thing tomorrow all over again."

I nodded, following behind him to the door.

"Night," he said, turning around before completely leaving.


I shut the door.

Clique II: Tyler, The CreatorWhere stories live. Discover now