10. Taste of You

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He looked up at the ceiling as he propped his hands under his head.

I chuckled, remembering the days we were still together.

"Remember the first time we fucked? I literally wrote Blow my load that night. And Okaga when we were biking during the sunset with Crystal and them—,"

"2Seater when Rocky's dad let you borrow his car during break," I started laughing, "we ended up stealing it for the night. God, I can't believe he never found out. We blew out the speakers."

"We drained the fucking gas and his stupid ass had no idea," Tyler replied. We were genuinely dying laughing as our memories flooded back.

We calmed down, chuckling as we looked at each other.

"We were so happy," he smiled.

"Then why didn't you reach out after tour?" There was caution in my voice.

"It's not that easy. I was in a bad state after the tour; I wasn't me. I didn't think it was fair to you."

"No, I get it. You were fucking every girl that came your way," I rolled my eyes. That was the rumor.

"I told you I wasn't me. But now I am." He propped himself up. His eye contact was sharp.

"It's too late now. You could've reached out again, T. I waited for you and you just didn't even bother—,"

"I wanted the best for you. And I wasn't then," He placed his hand in mine. "It's not too late."

I watched him interlock his fingers with mine. It felt so natural.
I snapped out of it.

"T, don't do this." I pulled away, getting up.

He came over, we were inches apart.

"You don't really love him."

"I love Reece," I snapped, backing away.

"If you did you wouldn't be here." He stepped closer.

"It's my job. I don't have a choice."

"You did. Everyone does. You knew you'd be in this situation, that you'd see me again," his eyes traced my lips.

I watched him as his lips came closer. He was teasing. I felt my knees melt.

Just before his lips were so close to touching mine, he moved back. I was frozen.

"You wouldn't have pulled away if I didn't."

He turned around, heading for the door.

I couldn't reply. I had nothing to say; my mind had gone blank. I knew I loved Reece, but he was right—I probably wouldn't have pulled away.
A part of me wanted to find out what he felt like again, but I couldn't. I wouldn't do that to Reece.

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