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  • Dedicated to Yamna Paradis

I slowly regained consiousness, and opened my heavy eyelids. Where was I? I was lying in a very soft bed, my head throbbed with unknown pain. With a large amount of effort, I lifted my heavy head, and saw I was in a very unfamiliar room. As I took in my surroundings, I remembered what had happened prior to my blackout. I remembered the fight, and Jacob's reasuring presence. Where was he?

Please don't say he left me here!

As a last option, I called out his name in desperation. I had a feeling only he would help me right now; or I just didn't feel comfortable near anyone else. He must have heard me, as shortly after I called his name he was knelt beside me. His warm palm enclosed mine. A small wimper escaped my lips. Jacob gently brushed a loose strand of hair off my forehead. I stared into his all so familiar eyes, seeking comfort and safety. He had those eyes that just drew you in, made you feel safe. I barely knew the guy, and I trusted him with my life. Almost.

The door slowly creaked open, as Alice peeked her cheerful face round the door. Her smiled widened as she saw I was awake. How could she be so chirpy after all that had happened?
"Hey, I heard you two moving around, so I thought I'd come to see how you were. Bella and Edward have gone to meet up with Carlisle and the others." She informed me, as I assumed Jacob already knew this fact.
I yawned, rubbing my temples. "Oh. Well, I suppose I'm fine. I'm still confused though."
Alice's grin somehow seemed to widen. "Just wait for Renesmee. Then you'll find out all you need to know, OK? She'll be up in a minute. And everything will be fine. I've seen it."
Seen it? "Can't it wait? I just want to sleep." I murmured, my eyelids drooping.

"If you fall asleep, you won't find out anything, will you? And- oh, look. Nessie's here." She chimed. I had only just realised how high and musical her voice sounded. Renesmee carefully shuffled in, holding a tray. Her long chestnut hair swayed as she walked. She was small, and I hoped the tray wasn't heavy. I would have too it from her, but my body wouldn't respond. On the tray sat three cups of tea, and some biscuits.
"I'm sorry, but I don't think I'll be able to have that," I apologised. "I'm just too light-headed."
"That's OK. But I think that you'll want something after you are informed." Renesmee assured me. Her tone so polite for someone of her age. I noticed a small nod that Alice directed towards Jacob.
"Ok. You ready?" She asked.
"I think so." I whispered; I just wanted to sleep.

Renesmee sat on the end of the bed I lay in. It dipped lightly as she perched next to me. Jacob still held my hand, and for that I was greatful, I needed support. Very gently she placed her tiny hand onto my forehead. I drew in a deep breath, as I was pulled into the vortex.


The first memory did not belong to Renesmee, it belonged to Bella. She sat on a table with some other students, in the canteen. A young girl with light brown hair was perched next to her, informing her about the Cullens. I tried to hear what was mentioned, but I was pulled away by the invisble force. The next scenes passed in a blur. Bella slowly figuring out what Edward, and the rest of the Cullens were. Vampires. I gasped inwardly. It seemed that I was whitnessing the memories as if I was there at the time; yet I could not be seen.

Bella and Edward lay on their backs, side by side, in a clearing. I could see the loving look in their eyes. A baseball game was in process, until three figures emerged from the smoke. James, Laurent and Victoria. Their most deadliest enemy, apart from the Volturi. The Volturi? James had Bella pinned down in a ballet studio. Blood pored from a paper cut, the woods became a maze, cliff diving was a rush, wolves were no enemy, and the Volturi would not kill Edward when he asked. Idiot's, I thought, wishing they had done as asked. Riley was changed, stories were told around campfires, newborns were fought, and wedding's were planned. So much happened, since Bella met Edward. The visions blurred into one, and Bella stood with a hand resting on her stomach. Red eyes appeared in a mirror after immense pain, and the Volturi came; battled by the Cullen's, wolf pack, and many forign vampires. The last memory was myself, entering the boundries of Forks. Bella has been through alot, all because of him.


Renesmee's hand withdrew from my Forehead. Everything hit me in a blur. I shivered, my lips trembled. Shock coursed through my veins. My hand tightly clutched Jacob's, I was surprised he didn't pull away. Werewolves. I tutted in my mind. Werewolves! I yanked my hand from Jacob's, flinched away as he tried to comfort me, and pulled my knees up to my chin. Why the hell was this happening to me? Maybe I was hallucinating. None of what I had saw was real...I had been told I had an active imagination, so that was the logical explanation. I sat there for a long time,immersed in my thoughts.

Dawn (A Twilight Fanfiction) {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now