disappointed but not surprised

865 15 4

7:49 p.m.
"hey pete,
i'm at the carnival, waiting for you.
you did say we'd meet back here at seven o'clock, right? because it's like ten to eight, and i was just calling to ask where you were so-
i'm ninety-nine percent sure you said seven, where are you?
we planned to meet at the gate, i'm at the gate, waiting for you.
look peter-
if you didn't-
you didn't have to ask me to go with you to the carnival just to make up for venice.
none of that was your fault.
if you weren't even planning on showing up, maybe at least you could've told me earlier.
i'm leaving, don't bother trying to find me.
i'm going on a walk.
i'll see you tomorrow morning.

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