so... school?

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just calling to check up!
it's early sorry, you were probably up late...
as usual.
i just wanted to leave you a message because i was hoping you could get back to me when you get this.
so... school?
is that on the agenda?
or too soon?
probably too soon...
everyone at school has been asking about you though.
all good things, nothing bad is being said, trust me...
if there was, they'd know about it.
i just hope everything is okay, i hope that you know practically everyone at school knows you're innocent and is blown away at how amazing you are peter.
i miss seeing you everyday.
i miss seeing you stupid, cute face,
and your dumb, adorable smile.
i wish i was with you right now, and i hope you're okay.
okay well, please get back to me as soon as you can.
b- bye pete"

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