this is stupid

455 5 0

"hey peter,
this is stupid but...
i just wanted to know...
what did you mean earlier when you said you liked my hair?
what are you trying to pull?
i mean,
you're not serious are you?
you don't actually like my hair, right?
because it's nothing special.
and don't plan on making eye contact with me for that long ever again,
it was was weird.
why were you staring at me?
because you were staring for a solid ten seconds.
do nerds not know how to blink or something?
get it?
because you're a nerd...
you'd know right?
goodnight parker,
you better come up with a good excuse for your shenanigans or finally express your undying love for me tomorrow or you're gonna cop it...
just kidding,
but not really kidding.
see you at school tomorrow dork"

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