Chapter 3

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So I promised you a chapter so here it is.

Alexandria 5 years old.

"Daddy....Daddy. ...Daddy...." standing by her fathers desk alex bounced on the spot, her violet grey eyes wide as she tugged on his pant leg "DADDY NO IGNORE ME"

Stomping her for she glared, her anger rising making her eye twitch slightly feeling the growl wanting to leave her throat she glared up at him

" Calm down sweetie pie you need to calm down" hearing pheonix made her body freeze as she turned in a circle looking for the source of the voice.

"Sweetie.....Alex. .. Alex what are you doing" looking up at her father she blushed softly letting her face drop she hid her cheeks behind the curtain of hair

" um...i has an imaginary friend.  She said to do it.... her name pho. ....i mean um" trailing off she started backing away biting on her lower lip

"Pheonix....what do I say" whispering through her thoughts her despair showing as she watched her father stand stalking her every move.

"Alexandria - Rosabelle" hearing his alpha tone leak through she whimpered softly

"Tell him your friend told you to do it sweetie it's ok....calm down" feeling the calm voice of her wolf she sucked it up

"My friend told me to do it....she says it's fun....see look she is sticking her tongue out at you.....hey see look" she whispered focusing on the wall behind her father as she watched him turn she bit her lower lip again backing to the door.

" Run to the woods no one is around we can shift it will calm you down"

Nodding her head she scurried through the door to her fathers office giggling to herself, running past her mother she pushed open the back door giggling louder as she heard her fathers foot steps as she run into the safety of the trees staying hidden.

" get back here young lady right this instant." Biting her lip she sayed silent knowing her heart was at a steady pace she looked up through the trees her eyes glinting under the sun

"Alex hide your scent. " biting her lip she focused on her small body her brows furrowing, remebering how pheonix had taught her she took back a deep breath in her taste buds choosing a scent of fresh rain fall and bark,

She smiled letting it run over her body letting it travel over her skin through her blood. Letting her eyes snap open she sniffed again her own scent had disappeared

"I did it. I did i" biting her lip she bounced on the spot giggling silently she clapped her hands

"I never doubted you sweetie, now lets shift i want to run" hearing Pheonix almost beg she nodded her head slipping out of her pretty blue dress hiding it under a bush.

Feeling the fermilliar tingle and rush of heat run across her body as she felt the snap and crack of her bones re enforcing themselves in the shape of a pup.

Shaking out her fur she admired herself in the reflection from the lake, her fur looked like the finest silk, Silver with a destinctive Blue cresent moon with 3 black stars the lettering TF (means True female) etched on her fur making it look like her fur had been burnt and branded

Even for a pup she was still huge, standing a little over 4ft she let her huge paws pad through the forest her ears twitching with the slightest sound

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