Prologue: Avenge me

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  • Dedicated to Eleanor and Lucy, for standing by me no matter what I did.

At first there was only pain. Warm, wet pain that flooded my entire body. It burned through my veins and singed my skin. Its scent was peculiar and metallic. Like rust but combined with the most beautiful flower.  I could taste it on my tasted of hurt.  After I adjusted to the pain, other feelings began to register with my subconscious.  I admit, the first was confusion. What just happened? Why did it happen? Even now, I loathe the fact that it was the first real thought in my head. I was so naive back then...So pure. It was quickly pushed aside by anger and rage and hatred. These were the strongest feelings, bubbling below the surface, threatening to explode and rip me apart. Hatred was a serpent hissing in my ear whilst anger traced my bare chest and stroked my neck. Rage danced around me with his companions- Violence, Cruelty and Vengeance.  They called Anger back from my body and took his hand. In turn, Anger called out to Hatred, who slithered from my shoulders and curled around Vengeance’s wrist. Then, they danced in a circle around me, whispering things in my ear and nipping at my neck with their sharp teeth. I tried to beat them away, but became entranced by their dance and the silent music that beckoned me to them. “Join us” They murmured to me. “Join us!”A blood, red haze overcame my mind and I stumbled forward. The dance slowed and Vengeance grinned at me, extended her arm. “Take my hand.”Just then, I heard a voice in the back of my mind. “Don’t listen to them. Just go into the light.” A little way to my left, a beam of light appeared. I blinked and moved away from Vengeance slightly. From beside her, Cruelty hissed sharply.  I frowned and ignored her. The light smelt sweet and from it I heard a hauntingly beautiful music that chilled my very soul. “Come.” It whispered. Only Vengeance was watching me. Carefully, she stepped forward. Her presence was distracting. Yet somehow, I relied upon it. She stood in front of me, blocking the light from view. “Take my hand” It was an order now. A command. Her clear voice reverberated around the inside of my head. It scared me. So I obeyed.  But I had forgotten about Hatred, who slithered down her arm and sunk his teeth into my wrist. Instantly, I was brought back to that moment. I saw her standing there......the look in her eyes...the knife...the cold, dead feeling of silence. Then my burning fury exploded from within me and I screamed....

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