Chapter 3

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I woke to the sound of rain hitting the roof and thunder crashing outside. 'Sigh' I was going to try and escape today but the gods didn't agree. Damn you Thor, that's why I like your brother more. Another loud thunderclap sounded and I figured Thor was angry with me. Oh well. I shrugged and stood up, my hair falling in loose waves onto my face. Standing up I tied my hair into a tight ponytail trying to find a light switch. It's so dark in here. I stumbled over a piece of furniture and face planted onto the floor. Shit! Quickly I got up and pulled back the curtains of my room sick of searching for the lights in the pitch black. Opening the curtains didn't help much because outside the sky was dark. Looking around in what light I had I saw that there wasn't even light fixtures in the room, only candles. Sighing I lit them. The candles gave the room an eerie glow making the room seem like it had been pulled from the movie Dracula. Deciding to explore the room I would be staying in for the foreseeable future I found a closet full of clothes. All of theme where dresses. God damn it! Seeing as it was my only option I pulled out a dark red floor length dress with black trim, going barefoot I walked out of my room and into the candle lit hallway. Walking downstairs I saw a note on solitary table in the lobby.

Dear Rozalina

Good morning pet. I trust you slept well. Did you find the lovely new wardrobe I picked out for you? I will wake when the sun goes down, I hope you realize that if you should wake me before sundown. I have no things to be down so you may roam the Mansion at your own leisure, but DO NOT go outside. If I should find anything misplaced it will not be pretty for you. Until I wake~

-Alexander Volkov.

Why the hell did he think it was ok to call me by my full name! I hate the name Rozalina. It sounds old and wrinkly. Lina is much more my style. I must make a note to tell him never call me Rozalina. Setting the note back down I looked around the dusty place. He really needs to clean. That's your job now Lina I thought to myself. I walked through the twisting halls and stumbled upon a solitary door. It was not extravagant like the others. Opening it I was hit with the smell of old books and parchment. It was a library, packed with mountains of books and scrolls. A fireplace was placed at the front with two large armchairs sitting upon a fur rug. I hope that's not real fur but knowing him I bet it is. Looking around I found a book of Shakespeare's plays and sonnets. Flipping through I found my favorite Shakespeare work: "The Taming Of The Shrew" curling up in one of the chairs I began to read.

Alexander's P.O.V.

I woke just as the sun went down. Raising I dressed myself quickly and opened the curtains. It seemed to have stormed while I was asleep. Walking down the hallway I looked into Rozalina's room, of course she has already woken and headed downstairs. Walking slowly down the steps I saw a familiar face waiting for me in the parlor.

"Prince Alexander." He bowed deeply.

"Come now Cameron, we are closer than that." I replied.

"My apologies Alexander." He said raising from his bow. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him pulling him into a swift but firm hug. He laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"You've had that human for a day and already it's changing you."

"Changing me? How is it changing me?"

"We'll I've never known the great prince to show affection like that."

"Maybe I felt sorry for you because you're stuck with a face only a mother could love." I said.

"Now now Alexander, didn't your mother teach you to play nice?"

"You're a real piece of work Cameron. I don't know why I put up with you."

"Maybe because we've know each other all of our lives?" He offered.

"Perhaps." I said turning my back to him and picking up the slightly crumpled note I left Rozalina.

"Speaking of which where is your new toy?" Cameron asked looking eager.

"I do not know."

"I wish to meet the one who persuaded the great Alexander Volkov to let it live."

"Very we'll. I must find her. Follow me." I turned and started following Rozalina's scent.

"Her? It's a female?" He asked following closely behind.

"Of course it is. I am a man you know and I have carnal desires that must be met."

"Ah of course. You always did love the pleasure a woman could give you."

"Women do not give it to me. I take it." I could see Cameron suppressing a laugh at my expense. Ignoring him I followed her smell to the library. Opening the door I saw Rozalina curled up like a cat with my Shakespeare book in her grasp.

"Humans sure fall asleep in the oddest places." Cameron whispered to me.

"Yes I know. How rude." I said stalking towards her.

Rozalina's P.O.V.

I was shaken rudely awake by a pissed looking Alexander.

"Have a nice nap pet?" He asked through clenched teeth.

"Yes I did actually." I replied sarcastically. He growled at me. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes to see a man slightly shorter than Alexander with black hair and brown eyes staring at me. Looking to Alexander with a questioning face he smiled and said

"Pet, this is my right hand man Cameron. Cameron this is pet."

"Nice to meet you." This Cameron character said in a silky tone.

"Hello." I replied, sleep still in my voice.

"Alexander, we need to discuss the annual ball." Cameron said turning to Alexander.

"It's time already?" Alexander said with a groan.

"Yes sir. You have to do it. It's your royal duty." Cameron said looking amused. I giggled looking at Cameron.

"What's so funny slave?" Alexander asked with a murderous gleam in his eye.

"I like your friend Alexander. He's very funny." I replied.

"Thank you Madame." Cameron said.

"I think it's time you headed back Cameron."

"That's code for 'leave now if you want to keep both of your balls'" he said heading to the library door. "Don't worry I know my way out." And with that Cameron left. I looked over to see Alexander staring at me with rage filled eyes.

"What?" I asked.

"Don't talk to him."

"Why not? He's your friend. I didn't know you even had friends."

"I have friends." He said defensively. I giggled.

"Suuuurree." I replied. He gave an exhausted sigh and looked at me coldly.

"You have a lot to do in preparation for this ball."

"When is it?" I asked.

"Tomorrow night."

"Tomorrow?!?" He expects me to clean this place and setup before tomorrow night? He's on some strong medication if he thinks I can do that.

"Oh you can and you will. No I am not on any medication."

"Get out of my head bastard!" I yelled.

"I can assure you I know who both of my parents are." I gave an exasperated sigh and started the impossible task of preparing for the ball.

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