Chapter Nine (Part One)

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Note: First chapter/literary piece in general of 2019, neat. =) (Happy New Year, by the way, everyone. LoL)

This particular chapter goes out to FantasticFire, a new reader to this particular tale of mine, and has been absolutely phenomenal, as well as integral toward my personal motivation to continue on (as my free time is tragically limited, but also due to previously feeling a tad discouraged by the seeming lack of interest this one initially had).

And then suddenly, as a result of FantasticFire's massive influx of reviews over on FanFiction.Net, other people have also been flocking to this story around the same time. LoL

Be it word of mouth or mere coincidence (as I strongly suspect, myself), I am thoroughly humbled and honored that those reading appear to truly be enjoying this story, as much as I have been writing it, all the same.

Now, if you'll excuse my mushy ramblings, please do enjoy the newest chapter, My Lovelies!


This chapter was created/written in January 2019, then completed in March 2019.


During the direct aftermath of the disaster which had transpired at what was now formerly the Bayville Lakeview Amphitheater, although Himerish had been able to successfully alter the minds en masse of anyone even remotely associated, there were things which even he could not have possessed direct control over, such as the massive news coverage which had subsequently followed.

Despite his continued, general distaste concerning exerting his will over others, Himerish and, indeed, his entire faculty were all feeling quite relieved that he had stepped in within such a manner the previous evening, especially considering the absolute firestorm which was already unfolding within the media, thanks to the event having directly involved a pretty well known celebrity, as well.

Her own mind having been successfully muted, the only thing the traditionally bold and charismatic Karmilla could seem to independently recall during her noticeably far more subdued appearance, as well as interview (the first of many, there would be no doubt), was: "One second, I'm on stage and performing, like always . . . and then suddenly there was a loud popping noise, a-and the stage lights above me were coming down! And t-then . . . I suppose, I was presumably knocked out by one of them in the process, because the only thing I can clearly remember beyond that was coming to on the field, where I guess I was maybe dragged to safety onto by an unknown savior . . . b-before the fire which had apparently broken out onto the stage could have consumed me! To the individual who rescued me, I'm eternally in your debt, am absolutely thankful to be alive, and that I'd also made it out of there with nothing more than a few scrapes and a sprained ankle. . . ."

Although merely her premiere statement toward the near tragic event, it nonetheless appeared to bode rather well for the city, as perhaps the famous singer, as well as her general management would so far not be attempting to pursue potential lawsuits geared toward any possible negligence for not having taken further precautions to ensure absolutely everything had been up to code prior to last night's rock concert.

Miraculous, to be sure; however, this overall event would unavoidably place the otherwise thankfully undermined Bayville within the spotlight for quite some time, good or bad . . . which was why Himerish had felt it absolutely necessary to call forth an emergency assembly with his student body following the conclusion of breakfast the very next morning. . . .

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